Minim Server 2 Update

I’m new here and after hours of searching I just want to ask if I’m doing something wrong. The search function didn’t really help and only brought up an old entry.

My Antipodes S40 (MinimWatch) keeps telling me that I want to update to Minim Server 2. Unfortunately, I am not offered the installation package.

Since I use ROON and the Minim Server, version 2 brings improvements for me, I would like to upgrade to Minim 2. I have already purchased a license.

What do i have to do?

Many thanks for the support.


An update is coming soon. See the list here:


Thank you for the feedback. Unfortunately I come from DE and work with a translation.
I can read a lot of technical terms and technology, but I don’t really know what it means. I’m just a user.

Is there a point in time when I can expect Minim Server 2 and its additional functions? The term of the specially purchased license is also limited. I thought it was because of the trial version.

Thank you.
Greetings, Thorsten

Yes, when Antipodes releases the next version of their AMS software, you should get MinimServer 2.2. The update to AMS will be AMS 5.0. It should be coming early this year.