An S30 & DS-X & Roon (Player / Server) - Best arrangement

Hi All, I’d appreciate some advice as to a recommended setup for my aged (Antipodes) equipment.

I am running Roon, on a 3Tb Flac collection. I have been running the Roon Player/Server on a DS-X (which has a CD ripper & 2 SSD drives installed). I have just purchased an S30. Now I would like to split the Server / Player functions over my 2 devices.

I have the following 2 devices one of which will provide a USB connection into an S20.
Model DS-X: Roon Type: Antipodes D2 (this has a large updated Aluminium external PSU)
Model S30: Roon Type: Antipodes D2


  1. Which is the more powerful, S30 or DS-X?

  2. I am using Roon, which device should I make my Server & which for my Player?

  3. If the DSX should become the server only, should I reconfigure the DS-X server/player to be a server only, or leave it as a Server/Player?

I hope this is not too confusing.

thanks in advance for all knowledgeable responses :slight_smile:

When you look at the “past models” page, you will read when you click on the ds3 that the ds-x has the performance of a dx3. These models are still updatable. I guess you could try to male the ds-x a server only.
I have a s30/s60 and the p2 reclocker and am also interested in taking the server-work out of the s30 player for the best sound quality.
Do you also have the s60?

Yes, I have the S60.
I have had a look at the past models page but the specs are very deliberately limited. The CPU’s are not listed, so it is hard to work out what is best, e.g. the S30 spec’s are listed as a “Low-Power Single Computer” and in the same statement a “medium-power computing engine”.

Due to already running the DSX and then adding an S30, (and not wanting to transfer all my files to the S30 until I get a knowledgeable answer on which is the best configuration), my current setup is as follows.

DS-X (Server powered by own PSU) > S30 (player with S60 PSU) > S20 (with S60 PSU) > DAC

All the device mentioned are lowish powered devices.
The S30 will give the best quality as a Player only, that’s how I would go.
Hope that helps

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