Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

Successfully updated :grinning: Player and server took under 30 mins each. Thanks for all the hard work that went into getting this release done.

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Hi, I have deselected in player and deselected in the server but PGGB wont play. When yo say remove from server is that different to deselecting? Thanks

I just deselected it in the list of installed plugins.

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I Also got stuck on 67%. for 1 hour.
To solve it:

  1. Go on “” on a new browser session;
  2. Near your Antipodes image, click “Open” to go on dashboard menu;
  3. Restarted the upgrade.

It worked for me. All went fine on this second attempt and upgrade done.
No need for online support.

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Im in the same boat. If I had read the details before updating (I just saw there was an update ready in the dashboard) I wouldnt have updated.

I now want to go back to v4, so that I dont have to pay for an HQPlayer 5 licence. Not even sure the AMS5 update even benefits EX/CX (Oladra) users? Seems that I have to pay £280 so that I can be in the same position that I was in yesterday sonically :frowning:

AMSv5 benefits all users, it is the beginning of further software development for Antipodes Audio and brings a number of enhancements, including ones which on the face of it don’t seem important, but are, such as new OS brings improved security.
See this post for further information…

Antipodes Audio has no control over what Signalyst do and what they charge and what devices they choose to support.
HQPlayer is a constantly evolving bit of software.

With our new software stack we will able to bring in third party app updates in a much more timely fashion.


The update went off without a hitch.
Chose to perform the update via wired desktop.
Within an hour, both updates were complete.
After the update, it took a while for Roon and Squeeze to re-generate the library.
Although HQplayer required a $5 update to use it, I chose to run the update anyway.
For now, I am very happy with Squeeze player.


Isn’t this the same as dragging the scroll bar above left to the furthest point right (loud icon)? It seems to m this "fixes the volume. Or does this have a different effect? :pray:

That’s very cool, and thanks for pointing that out, @kennyb123 . I’d resigned to listening to my few DSD files on Roon only. Is it OK to set DSD to DoP? That’s how I have it set for Roon. Thx

I too had a seamless update. Using my hard wired Mac Studio both of my units updated in less than an hour. I DO find some glitches with Squeeze relating to cover art mis-matching and such. I have found that re-scanning and even a reset or two helps.

Just curious: do you guys hear any sonic improvement? Or is it my imagination? Reading an article on the Antipodes home site, there are plans later this year that promise SQ improvements though I don’t see any mention of it with the release.

If your DAC supports native DSD, then that’s what you should choose. Many DACs do not so DoP was created. This basically packs DSD into PCM. This comes with a bit of overhead.

Thanks @kennyb123 I believed (and just confirmed) my Tambaqui DAC supports native DSD, but via USB ONLY, it appears Now I recall why I was (apparently) directed to choose DoP for the purpose of streaming DSD files . Pls see this as I am using AES : SUPPORTED FORMATS

PCM up to 384kHz/32 bits (>192kHz and >24 bits via USB and Roon only)
DoP and Native DSD up to quad speed (USB and Roon only). Mola Mola

@MarkCole I believe has the same DAC, albeit imbedded in the Makua. He could confirm, if he’s not too swamped and inundated at the moment. I know it is a frenetic and crazy time for all the folks at Antipodes. I’m totally cool about leaving my DSD set to DoP IF it is indeed supported. That IS an extra bonus!

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AES is DoP only as the spec only covers PCM transmission.


Managed to update both k50 player and server to AMS 5. IP addresses of server and player are recognised on my router to which my k50 is connected. I am using Squeeze. On the Dashboard, when I launch the server app, there is an error message stating that the server IP address is unreachable (“ERR_CONNECTION_FAILED”). Any solution to resolve without the need for remote session?

Right. That’s what I recall and now confirmed by spec sheet as well as by you. But let me ask you and others: what’s your opinion / preference regarding USB V AES? I did try USB some time ago and seemed to favor AES. I don’t think USB benefits from the K4/ re-clocking?

I’d like to try i2S as I have a very good cable for that but it’s commuted to my CD transport.

Try restarting the server app.

AES is not an option for me as I upscale my music.

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The Squeeze server app restart through the Dashbiard did not resolve. Have also repeated the trouble shooting steps (restarting the router and k50) 3 times with the same error message with the correct server IP address. Sigh…


One of the drivers for me choosing to upgrade my K50 was the addition of USB reclocking. Prior to upgrading, I much preferred AES over USB in my system. My USB cable had been a Triode Wire Labs (TWL) one that I have had for a number of years. Pricing on it was very modest, yet it held as very similar to one I trialed that was nearly 4x the price. Still, I though USB presentation was more mechanical and less involving than my AES (Sablon). I held off on further cable pursuit till my K50 was upgraded. After multiple hundreds of playing hours on the K50 G4, I believe the USB results improved, but thought I would once again explore improved cable. While several were on my radar, I thought I would first evaluate the TWL newest USB, the “Passion”. I have purchased a variety of TWL products over the years and pricing was a 1/3 to 1/4 of others on my radar. I have been quite pleased with it. I am not denying that some of these other, pricier cables may provide even more desirable results, but the Passion presentation has been very satisfying and will hold pat on additional USB cables for the present.

I still very much like my Sablon AES and listen to it as well, but no longer feel I need to use it for more ease, flow, and immersion in the music. Prior to upgrade and new cable, I primarily used the AES on Squeeze, but was frustrated when higher rate DSD and DXD (beyond AES limitations) would come up in a random playlist, but I would only get silence till the next selection. I am currently using USB now to avoid that, yet still quite pleased with the listening results.

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Perhaps the K50 is different from the K41? Unless I’m mistaken (entirely possible) I understand there is no re-clocking with the use of USB in the K41. I could swear I’d read that in the specs.