Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

Hey FYI, after attempting to update and finding system unresponsive, I recycled power a couple of times, the system is now operational and appears to have reverted 4.4?

Sorry if already discussed but my dashboard still keeps showing “update available”, is there an easy way to get rid of this?

No, the update has been disabled, the button won’t disappear until re enable

I get to ignore it, but when do we know when it’s a real update?

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It will disappear for updated units.
Keep an eye on the forum, or subscribe to email updates on the website.

Hi @kennyb123 - I too have noted issues when using “Roon server with HQPlayer” with my CX / EX combo, specific to DSD upsampling, (no problems apparent with PCM upsampling). DSD Upsampling has been the primary setup and best sounding in my system, with minringFIR-lp as the filter I always used prior to AMSv5. It worked great in v4.4, but since v5 there have been issues with DSD playback. I’ve shared the below details via email dialogue with @MarkCole but I know the Antipodes team has got their hands full at the moment.

The CPU Usage in my case for DSD upsampling is about 10 - 15% higher than with v4.4, (hovering around 60-70-%), and the Core Temp is higher as well by 10-15 degrees vs v4.4. I’ve stopped upsampling to DSD until further notice.

Issue description:

When using HQPlayer with Roon Server, and with Roon set to DSD Conversion, the final signal rate output is actually PCM according to what is displayed in Roon and on my DAC…

With the Sample Rate Conversion set to DSD it seems to my ears that either: (A) the final output is actually DSD but what is being displayed in Roon and on my DAC is the PCM setting from HQPlayer… or, (B) it literally is converting to DSD but then a final added output conversion step to PCM is happening (which is being displayed as such in Roon and on my DAC).

I’ve included some screenshots with details labelled to provide added context for:

  • HQPlayer Settings - PCM vs DSD
  • Roon Signal Path - Sample Rate Conversion set to DSD
  • Roon Signal Path - Sample Rate Conversion set to Max PCM rate

Thanks for confirming that you also see higher CPU utilization. One of the stated benefits of HQPlayer 5 was that it was meant to be more efficient, but the opposite seems to be the case. I suspect that this will likely be Jussi’s issue to resolve, but I’m nonetheless glad to hear you’ve made Mark aware of the issue.

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Aside from this DSD aspect for me… overall I do feel v5 is a step up indeed, with a notable improvement in sound quality as well. Great work by the Antipodes team

Agree on both counts.

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I’ve moved hqplayer from my k30 to a dedicated computer - macbook pro 2014 running ubuntu and hqplayer v5. This gave a noticeable uptick in sound. This is probably from the reduced load on the k30. I use this in conjunction with roon. @NickBacon and @kennyb123 will be happy to know I have settled on squeeze for my pggb files. Although at times I have gotten satisfactory results with roon it has been too inconsistent. In their latest survey for my wishlist, I asked for sound improvements with squeeze as the gold standard. :crazy_face:

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I realize that the user experience was the key thing holding you back, so I hope Roon can get their act together and prioritize sound quality. I also pleaded for that in my survey response. The other thing I asked for was for Harman to step in and do something about the toxicity towards audiophiles on the Roon forum, which seemed to me to be something that Roon’s leadership was responsible for causing.

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Me three :slight_smile: I need to make this at least 20 characters so I will add this unecessary gibberish at the end.

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I totally agree with this.

The new material skin is much more user friendly and I have moved away from iPeng. Still a long way to roon functionality but for a local library it does the job.


A positive comment about Signalyst…

I had purchased their optional USB license dongle as this enables me to not have my license tied to a single device. I had purchased this in April 2023 and received a key file that works with it that licenses HQP 4. I was worried I might have to purchase another USB dongle. Turns out that the HQP 5 license I purchased already had the dongle’s fingerprint associated with it. Aapo from Signalyst has been providing me with spectacular support.

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That’s great to hear! I’m trying to get in touch with Signalyst as well regarding the issue I’m experiencing (as referenced above).

Have reached out to Jussi on the Roon forum as he is quite active there, but will also try emailing

It can take a couple days, but Jussi does respond to mails sent to that account.

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Glad to hear! Will watch for a reply from him. Cheers Ken!

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DX3 Oladra user here. I would like to try AMS5.0, but Dashboard says I am Up to date with AMSv4.4.0…

What shall I do besides trade-in program? :slight_smile:


The update was pulled while they sort out why some users had problems installing it. It’ll come back once they sort that out so just keep an eye out here for them to let us know it is back on.

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I am sorry there were problems with the new release! I was one of the people who went through the process without incidents! Even though my server and player say AMS5.0, it still says update available! Go figure!