Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

I have exactly the same situation with my K50 - I have already booked a remote session for next Wednesday.

atb, Tom

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We have dis-abled the update to AMSv5 until we get a grasp on the issues that people are experiencing.

If you have a problem, book a remote support session. I am working thru clearing the current queue


Thank you, I hope I don’t lose my S30 and in fact it’s a cll for a remote session from Mark Cole. Witch I just did

Thanks @MarkCole , I appreciate the honest response


@MarkCole I have an update? From AMSv5.0.0 ? Already? Is this correct?

edit I will ignore, per the response above.

Usually an update can not physically damage your hardware. In the rare event it will, it can not be your responsibility (unless you did not follow the instructions and that does not seem to be the case here).
Patience is key, but rest assured, Antipodes will deliver when it’s your turn. Remember, the customer service at Antipodes is exceptional, as everyone here can attest. Trust me, they’ve got it under control. Soon, you and everyone else still awaiting it will enjoy AMSv5

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If you are on AMSv5 and click on that update button, it will quickly zoom to 100%, and say AMSv5 is already installed.
It has been disabled temporarily.


YES, you are on v5

In fairness to Antipodes & whilst I sympathise with those suffering issues, it’s not exactly unknown for software updates to cause problems. I’ve experienced similar issues even with a previous Apple MacBook Pro, which was rendered totally unusable & there was certainly no option of a remote support call to attempt a fix.


Hi @Chilli ,
You’re correct, there’s always a possibility of exceptions. However, my point is that if such an exception arises, based on my experience and that of many users, Antipodes will handle it, not the customer.
That’s the crucial difference here.

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Hi @terrycym ,
Just a heads up, you’re currently number 8 in line, with 7 ahead of you on this page for the past 4 days. However, it’s worth noting that reading from this same page, besides 8 of you, all the other previous cases have been swiftly resolved, or the customers are highly satisfied with the update.

I’m confident that Antipodes will take all feedback seriously, including the challenges some customers have faced with the recent update. As you can see from the discussion above, senior management at @antipodes is fully aware of the situation and is actively working to address any issues. It’s evident that they understand the importance of maintaining their reputation and are dedicated to finding better solutions for future updates. We’re witnessing their commitment in action.

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My initial impression of HQPlayer 5 is positive. I’ve not yet compared to Squeeze.

Bump post

There is an update button, but it won’t do anything until we turn the service back on


@MarkCole - I really appreciate the quick response, your personal support, and the commitment from antipodes as a company.

While it’s frustrating to be without my streamer (an Intel NUC filling in is a poor substitute), I understand that these things can happen, especially when you have a global user base if using your device in a variety of environments.

For the future it would be great to have some equivalent to the rescue disk on a laptop - a flash drive you could plug in and restore it to a known good version of the software. Just an idea.

I really appreciate what you are doing - usually it’s only in a time of crisis that you find out who you can rely on. And from my vantage point you guys have done great throughout this situation.

Thank you!


In considering updates for the future, keep in mind: you hold the reins. Instant updates aren’t obligatory. If you’re short on time or not ready to troubleshoot, consider waiting a week. By then, most initial issues are often resolved thanks to feedback from other users. Whether it’s Apple or Antipodes, major updates can bring challenges. So, take your time, prioritize your convenience, and update when you’re ready.

It’s worth noting that patience will be key again this year, given the anticipated influx of updates!


That was my idea too Paul but I couldn’t resist the curiosity :upside_down_face:

Me neither, Harry, but I was aware of some possible hiccups. From my comments above, you understand that I very much appreciate the effort that went into this major update and that with some expectation management, we can let Antipodes make it to the finish line. I mentioned Apple above; Antipodes clearly does not have the same resources, far from it. Please give them a chance and let them resolve the issues as they always have, usually in an efficient and excellent way.


We have many plans for the software stack moving forward, we needed to get everyone to point, before rolling out more changes.
AMSv5 brings the ability to have more frequent updates, that are smaller, something not really possible with the previous stack.
It gives us the ability to be more flexible with individual app updates for example.
Recovery partition and user enabled “reset” is also part of this development. Not something that is possible with the previous stack.
We can only eat our elephant in small chunks.


Great news @MarkCole
Good to see that Antipodes have taken on board issues that customers have encountered and that Antipodes are truly proactive in resolving issues and are learning from all this.

Also great to know that future updates will be a lot smaller and less risky.

Feeling confident for the future :grinning:

Elephant? It tastes like chicken to me!

Thank you for the quick response Mark! This is great to hear. I really appreciate the open and transparent communication from you guys and I look forward to seeing where it takes us.

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