Antipodes Audio - Meet The Manufacturer @ Gold Coast HiFi

ANTIPODES AUDIO … Meet The Manufacturer


Two-day Antipodes Audio Event:

Saturday 25th May 3-pm to 8-pm

Sunday 26th May 11-am to 5-pm


GC Hifi Arundel Gold Coast

What is it?

Opportunity to experience the Antipodes Audio’s range of high end Music Servers/Players in action at one time and get to meet the Manufacturer.

Antipodes Audio and GC HiFi are proud to be putting together a two day event to showcase the Antipodes Audio range of high end music servers/players and provide a chance to actually meet the manufacturer. The showcasing of the impressive Antipodes Audio line up will take place in GC HiFi’s three listening rooms on the Gold Coast. For those of you who are interstate and considering coming to this event please be aware that Gold Coast Airport is just about the cheapest airport in Australia to fly in and out of.

Apart from the opportunity to meet and hear Antipodes Audio very own GM Mark Cole from New Zealand we will have demonstrations with the KALA K21, K22 and K50 and flagship Oladra music servers. Mark will be in attendance both days to not only answer any questions but provide a brief and informative talk about the latest Antipodes Audio line up.

Given the room and time constraints plus the fact that we want to provide the highest quality informative and listening experiences for those in attendance, we will unfortunately need to limit the number of people attending so we can put together a schedule that assures those in attendance get the maximum and highest quality listening experience we can provide.

The listening experiences will not only showcase the various servers but we will be switching between various interconnects on the higher end servers to highlight one of Antipodes Audio great strengths and how different types of interconnects can and do make a listening experience difference. Plus for demonstration we will have music streamed from Tidal, Qobuz, through Roon and HQ Player as well as supplied from a SSD to compare.

Saturday will be our main day and will run well into the evening with drinks and snacks provided.

Sunday will be a more of a focussed session day, especially for those who already know exactly what Antipodes Audio model they are giving serious consideration to. Sunday also provides an opportunity for those who couldn’t make it Saturday, and or those who may have travelled from interstate to get a second and even more private and focussed listening session. Both days will have catering for those in attendance.

As mentioned earlier, unfortunately, attendance positions are limited so please contact Terry at GC HiFi as early as possible to organise and secure your spot for either or both days. For those considering coming to this event from interstate please note, as mentioned earlier, that the Gold Coast airport is one of the cheapest airports to fly in to and out of in Australia and is only a 45 minute Uber ride away from where we are located in Arundel.

Many of you would know I am a big fan of high end streaming, this event provides those amongst us who value and desire putting together the very best digital front ends at various price points an opportunity to hear how good Streaming can be and how good Antipodes Audio music servers are in particular.

I look forward to hearing back soon from those of you who would like to be a part of this opportunity. Please either email me directly on or PM me here through SNA to put your name down for one of the limited spots and once the list is confirmed I will email you back with further event details.

