Antipodes Server MSB Pro-ISL interface

Just saw Daniel’s post on WBF regarding a Pro-ISL interface from Antipodes server are in the work! Really exciting news!

Does it have an expected time when it will be released? Will it be upgradeable for both K series and Oladra?

Any input is highly appreciated!

Hi @dodger0629
Could you supply a link to the WBF post please

sure! @terrycym

it’s actually under a Taiko thread but Antipodes was mentioned.

Thanks @dodger0629
I managed to find the WBF but I would have struggled to find the thread

I presume the PRO-ISL interface would need new internal electronics & back panel to an Antipodes server?

Maybe this: MSB and Taiko, let's go! | What's Best Audio and Video Forum. The Best High End Audio Forum on the planet!

No time frame. Sorry, all I can say is we are working on it.
We are still upgrading client units to G4 (ends August 2024) as such won’t be making adjustments to production during 2024 at a minimum.


Hi @MarkCole,

I’m new to this forum even if I’m looking at Antipodes products with high attention recently. We might be already met on WTB forum, where you can find my system in signature.

I own MSB Reference DAC and S202 Amp, using the USB Pro/ISL external module because I need a 7 meter run from server (side wall) to DAC (front wall). And because my current server is USB only output (Innuos Statement).

As for ProISL connection, this is a big news and it could push me soon to purchase an Antipodes server.

  1. Do you suggest to wait until this connection will be ready or (if it ever happens) do you think it will be possible to easily upgrade a K50 or Oladra to include ISL Pro output?
  2. If ever this ISL connection will be ready, do you think that it will be available on both K50 and Oladra? This can drive my actual choice of which server model I should purchase.

Sorry for my impertinence and I can perfectly understand if you can’t provide me more infos, my aim is to plan a purchase and I’ve already discussed with my friend Luca (the Italian importer both for MSB and Antipodes) who already suggested me to buy K50 or Oladra over my current server. The question is, is it now the right moment?

Thank you so much.

Hi, welcome :slight_smile:

There shouldn’t be anything stopping you from upgrading to an Antipodes from an Innuos, the Antipodes K50 or OLADRA will work as you have it now, just with better sound :slight_smile:

I’m sorry, but I cannot answer your questions, we have only just received MSB hardware to build our interface, it isn’t in the design phase yet.

All I can say is, we always try to offer upgrades to existing products to bring them up to the latest, that is something Antipodes has been doing since the beginning.

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Thanks for answering, I can perfectly understand.

As MSB owner I’m assuming that direct Pro ISL connection means a better sound (and other practical reasons), that is all to be demonstrated once the server designers will be able to work on the first prototypes of outputs modules on their machines.

So anxious, I’ll keep following your work with attention! And I’ll try your current servers at home in the meantime (you might be right!)

We also have MSB in our listening rooms, with a Reference DAC.
While we enjoy Pro-ISL, we also enjoy standard USB into the the Reference.
With the isolation, regeneration and reclocking Antipodes does on USB each really comes down to user preferences IMHO.
Very happy that you will take the opportunity to demo an Antipodes in your own system.

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