Anyone experiencing issues with Mac OS Sequoia 15.1.1 **ISSUE RESOLVED 12/1/24**

Thx to @Agent86 whose solution proved to be the charm upon 2nd try. All is good in the kingdom! Thank you, case solved!

Hi everyone; today I happened to notice that since the most recent update to Mac OS 15.1.1, the Finder in my Mac Studio cannot see or connect to my K41. Oddly enough, the Finder sees the K22 NP. Stranger still, the Mac easily locates and can manage the K41 via the bookmark or by typing in the IP address. Music plays without issue from wither Roon or Squeeze server. I can play files from the Mac or my two iPads, fortunately.

But it gets even more weird from here! While working with a senior level Apple support rep, I thought to start up my (semi-retired) MacMini still running Sonoma. Bingo! There was a “greyed out” version of the K41 found in the Finder window of the Mac Mini, and below it was…another icon of the server but named “K41-2”; and sure enough, the MacMini found everything - folder and subfolders and all of the files! Weird, right?

I concluded with the Apple specialist that it was the latest update in the Mac OS that caused this glitch. It doesn’t interfere with the functionality of the server; rather, it’s a bit concerning that Finder cannot locate the server on the network that is CLEARLY seen by the Mac itself! So suffice to say, Apple is as baffled as I and we uploaded diagnostics for Engineering to investigate.

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Did you try a full disconnect and reboot with the K41 server? Sometimes unplugging everything and letting the new OS “discover” the server might be the way tidy things up.

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No problems on my S30 with MacOS15.1.1

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The latest macOS update has been applied to my Macs. I am not having any issues with discovering my Antipodes via Finder.

Discovery issues are often the fault of the network router. Multicast is used to announce the availability of services on a network. This is sort of like repeatedly saying “I’m over here” in a crowded area when you know someone is looking for you. Occasionally it can take the restarting of routers and switches to get multicast passing again.

Discovery isn’t really necessary if you know the IP address of your K41. You can just use the Connect command in Finder to find a specific address. Just key in the following but substitute the IP address of your K41.


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Good to know, and thank you! Glad you’re not having any issues!

Thank you Kenny but as I mention, my Mac via the network doesn’t have any problem discovering the server. I do know the IP address and the K41 is found when I open the Antipodes website and scan. I can easily switch from Roon to Squeeze and play files from the Mac, for example. I’m a Control4 customer so over the weekend I’m reluctant to restart the router for fear a few IP addresses may change in which case I’d be in trouble with some of my many [static] addresses. Unfortunately my ISP provider doesn’t allow consumers to reserve IP addresses so some (but not all) can change as most every device subject to dynamic IP addresses. Businesses yes; consumers no fir the time being.

What’s baffling is that the MacMini finds it in the Finder though has renamed the server as “K41-2.” The single point of difference is that the K41 is connected to a different switch (in my main room ) as opposed to the Mac Studio and Mac Mini which are connected to a switch in my office. I like the suggestion of @Agent86 who suggests I perform a disconnect and restart of the K41 to see if that helps the Studio Finder “find” the K41. It’s all puzzling bc everything works! It’s clearly “on the network because I can play music and I when I key in the IP address in a new Safari tab the on screen menu comes up right away! Weird!

So thanks very much, Kenny At this point, I’ll wait for the Apple tech to call me back with whatever it is engineering department may find. And, if they find nothing, then I suppose I’ll wait until Monday to restart my router (assuming the fix @Agent86 suggests fails to resolve the issue) and hope for the best. If things get screwed up, at least I can get support because there’s nothing anybody can do over a holiday weekend here in the US. The “good news” is that everything works everywhere except in the Finder window of one of my two Macs! :pray:t2:

No I have not thought to try that approach but I will try that before anything else Sunday afternoon. Good idea, and thank you. Much appreciated. Just weird because the switch is communicating to the server and vice versa. K41 is seen on the left in the sidebar but the data (folders and subfolders w files)) fail to load. So strange. And there is no “eject” icon as there is with the K22 (and my many external drives attached) so it’s as though the shell or memory of the k41 device lives in Finder but the Mac cannot eject that which it cannot see! So odd! :pray:t2:

So I have a bizarre update to share with everyone.

First, the suggestion from @Agent86 did not resolve the issue. Status quo, as it were. But next, I powered off my switch n the office where the Mac Studio and Mac Mini reside.

Next, I unplugged the network switch in the office , had a coffee , can back and found that in Finder, on my local drive, is listed the K41-2. All of the folders and files show up.

As screenshots will shows, using both the Mac and an app called Fing, my K22 displays the IP Address of the K41! WTF! And the K22 is listed TWICE by the Fing app and THAT IP Address s correct and corresponds to its correct IP Address.

And note how the Fing app DOES find the K41, but it is seen as offline as "K41:minidlna. " I think @kennyb123 seems to know more about this than most…

So, bottom line, it is all very bizarre and “mystifying” that these weird changes occurred, but at the end of the day, everything works, simply not in a way I quite understand!

Thanks to everyone for their input. We have a great community here!