Build 2.0.37 crash Roon on K50 G4

Please notice:
On my K50 G4 (with AMS 5.0) Roon is not working any more after install of Build 2.0.37 / 1432.
After install, libary start to rescan (seems normal), but then the libary get demage- „please restore from backup“ in iPAD APP and Win-PC.

Restore from Backup works first correctly, but after restore (of course) rescan of libary starts.
After a few seconds: libary again corruped, „please restore from Backup“…

Endless loop now.

HQPlayer with its own libary / APP works fine.

atb, Tom

Have you tried restoring from an older backup?

Not yet, the latest backup is from 19. March…

the restore from backup is sucessfull (two times).

For my opinion, the „bug“ is in the rescan of the libary - there it chashes…

atb, Tom

If you continue to encounter issues please book a remote support session.

I once had a corrupt library. I resolved it by going to an earlier backup. It could be that your library is corrupt so when Roon scans and tries to update the library, it crashes.

Done - thanks.

I used the same backup to restore after G4-upgrade - no problem.

atb, Tom

So - I have tried every backup, which is availible (12 or so…).
Even one from version 1.8 - no one works.

In the meantine - here is the answer from Roon to my Support-Request:

„ Thank you for your post. We’ve activated diagnostic reporting to take a closer look and identified evidence of corruption in your database.

It’s difficult to pin down a single cause for Roon database corruption; environmental factors like power loss, or sync programs tampering with the contents of the database are common culprits.

What we can confirm diagnostically is this: Roon is reading random changes in files originally written to the drive, and these unexpected and random changes are significant enough that Roon cannot load the database properly. Effectively, the database is mutating in real time.

There are times when the corruption can be “latent”: part of the database is corrupted, but the database can still load. Often, this latent corruption is revealed when Roon updates to a new database format, as this process requires that every record in the database is accessed.

This is likely the case here — the backup that you used to restore was made after the latent corruption existed.

Generally, the solution is to try using an even older backup if you have one available that precedes the corruption. Load the oldest Backup you have available and see if that works. Otherwise, starting fresh is the second option with a complete database refresh“

Maybe it is the best to start from scratch and Build up a complete new libary - how can I do this in ASM 5.0?

But let´s see, if @MarkCole can solve the problem in the Remotesession at 1:00 am this night…

atb, Tom

I have experienced the same issues with Roon
Aok on Squeeze
I am Dumping Roon next February when my yearly sub’s are Up!

Booking a Session with Mark Cole on the meantime to get Roon working again !

Hope yours Fixed soon?

Unfortunately, it was not possible to solve the problem in the remote session with Prince.

Roon had to be reinstalled and the K50 had to be rebooted. After the reboot, the K50 was no longer accessible in the network - I could see in the router that no IP address had been requested.

I rebooted and restarted the router several times without success.

I then took the K50 to my dealer on Tuesday and received the information today that everything is working again.

Now I can pick up the device tomorrow.

atb, Tom

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My K50 ran without any problems at the dealer.

At home I still had serious problems (extremely long access times to the web interface, no active server selectable, music SSD was not recognized due to incorrect IP address range, etc.).

I then received an identical K50 G4 on loan - this runs with the current Roon build without any problems (but still without my music SSD).

My dealer then offered to exchange the hardware - a very uncomplicated and “perfect” solution for me.

atb, Tom

Problem is now completly solved with the new Hardware.
Install my music-SSD yesterday and used the backup, that was not sucessfull with the „old“ K50 - works without any problems.

New version 5 licence of HQPlayer was orderd / devilered from Signalyst without extra costs.

Happy now again with the beloved K50 and awesome sound… :star_struck:

Big thanks to my dealer cm-audio :+1:

atb, Tom