I know it’s a been asked like million times and I’ve found various solutions on web but no luck 
It was working before I reset my roon server and I think the problem is for the squeeze to find the new roon server. roon support stated to go to “my music” “switch library” but I don’t have such options under the “my music” tabs and I couldn’t find any “cog” in the player dashboard to set the preferred server. The only option I have under squeeze player tab is “restart” and a “…” that takes me to choose between “IPAdresss” and “hostname”.
Server: Oladra G4
DAC: MSB Reference (via USB-Pro-ISL)
Tried: firewall / reinstall squeeze / restart, reboot everything…
Found my luck! Reinstall the roon server under the server dashboard solved the problem. Had to start all over again to setup roon though…
I’m glad you solved it.
For future reference, it sounds like Roon support was trying to direct you to the settings in the Roon app on your phone/ipad/laptop (the cog symbol etc), and you were looking in the roon settings in the antipodes admin pages in your browser.
Also, not sure if it applies in your case, but I used to have intermittent problems where the squeeze client and roon server wouldn’t find each other and I tried everything listed in the threads.
Then I installed the AMS v5 update when it was first available (it failed and the unit had to be sent in to finish the install, but that’s a different a story), and ever since I got it back with v5 squeeze client/roon server have worked flawlessly. I hear the update will be rereleased soon and I highly recommend it
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Thank you Peter for your reply. I’m still getting used to the UI of the Antipodes, it seems it’s got bunch features! and glad to hear you like the v5 despite it’s now currently unavailable but I will look forward to it!!
On Roon dashboard, go to Settings>Setup and toggle to Yes for Enable Squeezebox Support.
If you toggle this OFF wait 10 seconds then toggle back on, generally speaking this enables Squeeze within Roon