DSD with I2S over RJ45 cable (Aqua La Scala Dac)

@ Mark Cole
Hi Mark,
am I right, that I can‘t play DSD (SDM) with HQ Player and the specially configured cable for AQLink connection (I2S over RJ45)?
PCM is no problem. If I set the hq player to SDM (DoP in the K50 dashboard) there is only whistling and rustle.
Thanks for your answer in advance.

According to the spec for the La Scala MK3, AQ Link which is Aqua’s proprietary connection utilizing the I2S protocol, it can accept DSD 64 and DSD 128 via DoP.
DoP will need to be enabled in HQPlayer along with ensuring that 64 or 128 are selected for output.
What you are doing is on the very outer edge, using a connection on the Aqua for something it was never designed to do, so while it should work, assuming that the cable spec is correct, there are never any guarantee’s.

I see.Thanks for your answer. I have set DoP in the hq player dashboard. I have to play PCM or switch over to AES/EBU with Squezze player and Squeeze server.