How to Backup My Music with Another HD?

Just recently, I realized that I only have one copy of my purchased music on my CX server. I purchased a second SSD so I can backup my music and keep it safe.

After the new upgrade, I am now unable to access my folder from my network like I used to. On top of that, I made the mistake of mounting my new SSD, thinking that I can make a backup via the File Manager.

I just wanted to confirm/ask two questions:

  1. Is it impossible to unmount my new SSD from my CX?
  2. What is the easiest way to backup my files? Should I plug an external SSD via USB and copy files over somehow?


I do have a copy of the SSD on my NAS.
You should be able to acces the folder from your network.
In my case the IP address changed after the upgrade.
But you can find the new IP address by checking it in “My Antipodes”.

Thank you so much for your reply
I used to be able to access my folder like this as well, but now I am interrupted with a permission error

Is it a fixed IP address in your router?
You can try to restart the router.

If it is a permission error, that is likely the security of your computer, enter you computer login credentials.
Removing the SSD is not going to work.
Easiest way is to copy across the network to your storage device, using Finder or File Explorrer

Thank you so much for your reply and help.

Unfortunately, I am still having issues here. At the best, I keep on getting redirected to Solutions Dashboard. I am unable to access my files through File Explorer.

So when you go to File Explorer assume. Windows device.
On the right hand You should see you servers on the network

Click on the server and navigate to Storage/music