I cannot appear to add an external USB HDD to my S30

Hello, been a while since my last visit which is always a good thing!

Tonight the internal SSD in my S30 failed.
No worries I thought, always have a couple of complete backups on external USB HDD so just plug one of those into the back of the unit.

Hmm, it powers up but just cannot be seen by the S30 or over the network ala the old internal SSD could be.
The “manage” storage button on solutions software through the web gui does not work at all, just goes to a web page saying it cant be found.
I have tried three different drives which are all known good.
What am I missing here?

I could be wrong but I do believe that you need a formatted functioning Internal SSD for the file manager to work.

If that is true then all the information that is published stating you can use external USB drives is completely misleading as not one I read stated that in order to use external USB drives you HAVE to also have a functioning formatted internal SSD!

I do not doubt this is the case but I will have to call BS!
My old Aurender N100 has the same options and does NOT require a functioning internal SSD in place for the external USB drives to still function.

Antipodes needs to modify its wording in user manuals if this is correct.

You may want to book a support call.

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yes, Hiind. That has always been my assumption.
How else could the external drive be discovered and operated?

Sorry but I’m just not understanding this at all.
What does an internal SSD have to do with the OS seeing an external drive?
As I already said a $1500 Aurender does not need its internal SSD even in place to recognize an external drive.

Did you book a support call? I think there may be a simple way to make this work, I just don’t recall what it was.

Not yet as working away from home for next few days.
But if I can’t figure it out when I get back I will.
Always had great service from Mark on these “dial ins”.

Maybe also search the threads here for USB.

You might be right that an SSD is needed for a USB drive to be recognized. Antipodes does something very smart as far as handling storage. They combine drives so that it appears to all music apps that just a single drive is in use. A downside might be that without an SSD it can’t do this correctly.

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Here is a CX with no SSD in the slot but with an external USB drive connected:

The USB drive contains a backup of my ‘storage’ folder. Music is playing, sourced from the USB drive.

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I know when I tried two different USB HDD it would see/recognize neither.
I wonder if the file management system is different on the S30?.
Oh well nothing much I can do until back home next Friday.

You are probably right re file system. I copied a couple of albums, one from Windows and one from the EX, on to a USB thumb drive and plugged it into CX. The USB drive is not recognised. I think the ‘storage’ folder USB external drive that is recognised in my earlier post was copied from the CX originally.

However it does show that you can use a backed-up copy of your music library on a USB drive successfully if your SSD has failed or been removed.

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Purchased a new SSD and fitted it and the web gui was able to recognise and add it.
I downloaded a couple hundred gb of music to test it.
Then I added an external USB drive to the rear of the S30 and it still cannot be seen.

What am I missing?
Is it not possible to actually add a USB HDD?
The new documentation I have found seems to imply that this is the case indeed.

No mention of any USB external drive at all.