I2s from P1+EX to Matrix X-Sabre 3

Dear colleagues,

I hope to find an answer in this forum. I am seeking advice on the settings for the Matrix X-Sabre 3 and the appropriate type of for the Antipodes P1+EX when synchronizing the clock from the EX. I am using an HDMI cable from Supra. Check all types in IIS-LVDS Port Definition menu, try to ON/OFF Jitter Eliminator.

In D/A working mode menu with Async everything sounds good, but in Sync mode, I hear noise when selecting different port definition types. Could the issue be with the cable, or have I selected the incorrect setting? For the P1, I chose the Gustard type.

My next step is to start using the Tubulus Concentus i2s cable that I have already ordered. I would appreciate any recommendations you may have.

Thank you!

If you are selecting Gustard type, then the pin configuration of the P1 needs to be changed to match.

The I2S Master thread can be found here…