Is the K22 i2s compatible with Pink Faun dac?

Dear forum members,

I might just want to buy a K22. Especially because this streamer/player has an i2s output. I have owned Pink Faun dac 2.32 for a long time. A beautiful dac with tubes and an i2s input. Do any of you have experience with this dac in combination with an Antipodes K50 or K22 and i2s

Welcome @Cees01
I am not familiar with the Pink Faun DAC 2.32, it does look like they use the PS Audio I2S standard, all Antipodes Audio music servers are compatible with this standard,

I contacted the maker of this dac and this was his response:

“I built the DAC2…32 myself, the 2 HDMI inputs are TTL, so no PS Audio LVDS reverse standard”
Unfortunately, the Pink Faun 2.32 dac with I2s does not fit the K22, too bad.

This is correct unfortunately, no go on I2S with that DAC

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K22 is a great streamer and even without the I2S connection will be an musical combination with the PF Dac
Enjoy the music

Thank you. If I can borrow a K22, I definitely want to try it.

Where are you located?

I live in the Netherlands.

Please contact AudioXperience. They have several Antipodes products as demo.

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Thank you. I’m going to check out their website.