I am new to the forum and I am about to buy a streamer from antipodes and I have tried Jplay on my system and I want to inquire about the experience of playing local files stored on the hard disk through the Jplay application because my main interest is local files.
I have installed Jplay Femto on the computer and I have a streamer supported by the Jplay ios app , I noticed that the Jplay ios app is very excellent with Qobuz and it has many features taken from Roon, but when playing local files, the experience was poor and weak, so that it does not show album images and it doesnt have the same features that are with Qobuz, like information and metadata of songs . Is there a problem with my operating method or are these the limits of Jplay ios app with local files?
Please advise because I am about to buy an antipodes k22 streamer, but the Jplay experience is not enough for my needs
Antipodes Audio does not use JPLAY Femto, the UPnP Server for JPLAY is normally MinimServer, with MPD endpoint.
You use the JPLAY iOS App for JPLAY playback on Antipodes.
If your files are ripped correctly with album art in the folder there should be no issue using JPLAY on an Antipodes in this manner.
We cannot comment on JPLAY Femto, I suggest posting in the JPLAY forum regarding the problem you have with album art.
I got you Mark , that was a relief seeing these album covers
I installed the Jplay Femto to get a sense of the Jplay ios app and how it operate with local files , because i never used it before , clearly there is something wrong with my setup, will try to fix it before the trial ends
One more thing to understand the process, the indexing of the local files in the hard disk , is it done by MinimServer or MPD endpoint or the JPLAY iOS App ? Lets say i have 8TB library, indexing will take a long time, i assume few hours, will it be done by the power of the iPad or by the streamer ?
Also i read that there is a plan to release new app form Antipodes next year, will it be supported in the K22 G4 or only for new generations ?
I like Roon interface but i dont like how it sound, and the best alternative i found was Audirvana but still not close to Roon experience, Jplay is the closest app to Roon and i am very excited after knowing it, by reading reviews of Antipodes streamers
Sorry for my long and multiple questions , its just i dont understand how Antipodes streamer works with Jplay properly
All Antipodes servers in the current range can expect software updates for many moons to come.
We have devices from 2015 that we are supporting with software.
Software Apps do change over time, so there is never any full guarantee.
MinimServer on setup scans the library, it doesn’t take long, this is on the server.
When you select the library location in the iOS App on the iPad it also scans to form a data base, this is also very quick.
Can’t seem to get artwork across? Is there a setting for this as it’s very annoying not being able to see it for obvious reasons, have the same issue on Squeeze as well.
Thank you mark , i got cover arts and everything working with MinimServer and hell it is super fast , i imported all my curunt library in no time, i am digging this Jplay app , it works fast and scrolling down the albums is way way smoother and integration with Qobuz is good,
One thing it doesn’t sound as good as Audirvana but that’s with my setup with different cheaper streamer, it has nothing to do with antipodes which i think will sound way better than my simple DYI setup that i want to upgrade because of its limitation which i find antipodes overcome them.
Does a MinimServer in a PC server works with the K22 as a server ?
I know you would advise to get the K41 or use the internal HDD , its just i want to know how open the K22 with other hardware, it could open for more tinkering and exploration with other servers
Thank you for your time i really appreciate your help and clarification.