I have to admit, I oldfashionly mostly play local files—probably my mistake . Whenever someone raves about having heard an amazing track or album, my first question is always, “Was it local or streaming?” Not this time.
Yesterday, on AS, I said to you :
“I initially misunderstood—I think you were trying to compare the sound signature of JPLAY for iOS with Material, rather than focusing on different player and server setups. Fortunately, we can actually compare all of them!” But you’re right, although they do look the same, the second album won’t play with the Squeeze preset.
Changes in JPLAY for audio output and libraries don’t sync with the Antipodes server. Often, tracks play in silence unless I switch to a different preset and then back to Squeeze. Switching with other server apps open (see image above) doesn’t always work either. For instance, with MPD active, JPLAY may prompt “Renderer not connected” even though the track advances, but there’s no sound. This back-and-forth gets confusing and frustrating, though it might not be an issue once settled for one preset.
I remember Nick asking once in this forum for their suggested settings for LMS + Squeezelite for best sound quality, having an Antipodes reply instantly here. Since @MarkCole /Antipodes recently promoted the JPLAY annual subscription here, maybe he also could guide us on how to set it up properly and easily switch between the server presets in a consistent way?
Possible new thread: JPLAY integration