K41 Ethernet output to streamer- drop out roon


I am using the Ethernet output to streamer to a mola mola DAC

I keep getting drop outs using roon on my mola mola

I have connected the mola mola to the same switch as the k41 now drop outs have gone

I would like to remove the switch and run on the Ethernet output but the drop outs drive me mad

Any ideas?

Sounds very weird indeed.
When connecting to the Mola Mola directly, are you using the Direct Stream Output on the K41, with the K41 connected to the internet via the Network port.
What is the ethernet cable? Do you have any filter between the K41 and Mola Mola?
Have you tried different cable?

Just to double check, you have Roon logged into the K41 as server, and the Mola Mola selected as Roon Ready, with the device setup correctly in Roon Ready.
The Mola Mola is max 24/192 via ethernet

All is connected correctly

The mola mola is a roon end point only so no config only way is to use roon settings through the app

I am using the cable that came with the k41 to go from the direct stream to mola mola

It will work for 30-45 mins then drop off When I reconnect I may work for another 30 mins or it may not last the track?

When connection of the 41 and mola mola to the same switch, not using direct stream all works fine?

Not sure if it is a compatibility issue or a fault?

Is this playback issue with local or streamed files?

It’s on Qobuz and local

My other devices in the house are on AirPlay and these work fine

I am having the same drop outs on Roon. My K41 is connected to Devialet Dual 1000Pro.
Thse drop outs are completelly random:

  • I can have multiple dropouts in one hour our I can have the music playing for several days without any problem;
  • The drop outs can be really fast almost unnoticed or they can last 7 or 8 seconds and then the music plays again…

My K41 is a G3 model (41B written on the transportation box). I purchased it second hand a couple of months ago. These dropouts are happening since early days.

Everything is properly connected and the ethernet signal is working well without breaks or failures.

are you connected from the k41 to the devialet via the ethernet direct stream out?

I am using stream out

Are you still having the drop outs. And how long do they last

I have 3 types of drop out

  1. The music briefly stops say 1-2 seconds and resumes play without having to do anything

  2. The music stops and I have to press play on the room app

3 the music stops and I have to wait for room to see my mola mola again, 30 seconds and I press play

I get this on the direct stream out and when connected to the router

Exactly the same… except on point 1. Sometimes the pause is longer (7 to 15 seconds)

Local and streamed

I am trying to work out if it is a issue with my mola mola or the k41

Can you please check your router DNS, as a starting point.
And make an appointment for remote access support so we can check settings