K50 clock output for switch

I would like to know if the output of the K50 clock is 10 MHz and if it is 50 or 75 ohms. It would be to connect a switch with clock input, if possible.

It’s not a reference clock - it’s a word clock. It operates at 44.1k or 48k intervals aligning with the sample rate of the currently playing track.

Thank you for the answer. So, what is the purpose of that clock output?

So, it doesn’t work to synchronize with the clock of a switch

In audio, a “word clock” is a specific type of clock signal used to synchronize the timing of digital audio samples between multiple devices, essentially telling them when to “grab” a new sample, while a “reference clock” is a more general term for a highly accurate clock that serves as the primary timing source for other clocks, including word clocks, ensuring precise synchronization across a system; essentially, a word clock is a dedicated clock signal for audio data, whereas a reference clock is a more general timing standard that can be used for various applications including audio synchronization.

All Antipodes Audio music servers with the re-clocker (currently, OLADRA, K50, K22) have the Word Clock Output and are a Master Clock, anything connected must be run in Slave mode.
The reality is that not many devices can utilize the word clock output in its current configuration.

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Thank you for the answer.
Do you think that a master clock + power supply + switch + ethernet cable + K50 + DAC combo could improve the entire system or not?
For your experience.

The configuration cannot be made to work with a K50, so cannot answer, it could be implemented to the DAC, however, I would say that there are other things that could be improved in the system before looking at a system wide clock, others may argue differently.

A colleague has told me about an AfterDark switch with a slave clock connected to the K50 with a BNC cable. I have to inform myself well. However, what other alternatives do you suggest? Thank you

This is the answer of the AfterDark owner.

That answer isn’t making sense to me. An external clock cannot improve an Antipodes server itself. It can benefit downstream components but the degree of improvement can vary.

I have a Mutec REF10 SE120 providing a reference to both my Gustard DAC and EtherRegen switch. I like the improvement it brings but wouldn’t rate it as high on benefits per dollars spent.

I just read this on the Roon forum. In my case, the builder of the AfterDark would build the switch with the slave clock on purpose and that will benefit the whole. Now, we already know that all this is the law of decreasing returns. I’m thinking about it.

There are hundreds of posts on Audiophile Style and other forums of people gaining benefits from using a reference clock with their EtherRegen. The benefits can be heard regardless of the server.

The word “slave” can confuse people trying to help because that is not. The clock provides a 10 Mhz reference to synthesize other frequencies.

I wouldn’t say that the returns are diminishing. I also wouldn’t say that it’s among the best upgrades. It’s in between those two extremes. Others may disagree.

Why I say that the returns aren’t diminishing is because the better the clock the greater the improvement with no diminishing returns. Also better clock cables can bring big improvements.

Adding a clock to an EtheRegen makes it able to compete with much better switches. But in my system both the Synergistic switch and the Tempus switch were better than my ER with REF10 SE120.

So my question: how good is the K50 watch to buy a switch connected to it? Is a switch with a power supply and watch better than, for example, a “Netwook Acoustics Muon Pro”? Any experience with this switch?

The K50 makes it easy to hear improvements made both upstream and downstream from it. Search this forum and you should find some reports on this topic.

Your best bet though is to try to arrange a home audition.

Thank you very much, Kenny.
I will investigate in the forum. I asked the question directly since advances in the digital issue are constant, looking for a solution under your experience.
I completely agree with you. I don’t buy anything anymore if I can’t try it at home. And more at these levels.
Best regards.