K50: Multiple connected outputs

Good morning:

Can the I2S output and the ethernet be plugged into the K50 at the same time and make the DAC switch to our interest? Not at the dame time, of course.Thank you

If you have a device connected via Direct Stream Ethernet output, it is always on, you can have multiple servers enabled.
If your DAC is connected by both direct stream and I2S, and you use Roon, you can select either output inside Roon.
It is best to keep the server connections to a minimum however.

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I have read where some PS Audio owners reported better sound quality from their DirectStream DACs by using shorting plugs for. the unused USB and/or I2S outputs of their units. Do you suggest such for Antipodes units?

All the outputs are isolated, regenerated, and re-clocked, I do not see the benefit TBH

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In my experience with EX and CX, ‘caps’ on unused sockets are worthwhile. I havent tried shorting plugs which are more than just caps. However, thecdifference the caps ale might bot be noticable if other sources of higher level noise/distortion has not been addresse.

Personally, I reckon to achieve the lowest noise requires minimum cables connected. So just one into the DAC and one into the server.