K50 visable via myantipodes - but not via antipodes.audio!

As of yesterday my K50 is found when using myantipodes. But not if i try it via antipodes.audio.
What could be the reason for this?
The K50 is not found using the Antipodes iPhone app.
But if I use Fing, it shows up.
I can play Roon as usual.

The player has one IP address and the player has another. I guess this is “normal”.
When typing in the Player IP address in the browser it is shown.
But when typing in the Server IP address, nothing happens.

I have restarted the router, Antipodes and dac. Result is the same.
The issue was discovered after installing a new dac and I wanted to switch between S/PDIF and USB output.
When choosing the USB output suddenly Roon did not recognize the K50 at all. Only after removing the USB-cable and rebooting the dac and Antipodes it was found through myantipodes.
Now I don´t dare to switch back from S/PDIF to USB.

Could it be the brand new DAC that causes this?
It is a built in DAC3 module that has just been released for my Gryphon 333.

Any suggestions much appreciated.

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