My experience of Servicing a K50

HI all
Thought will let you guys know about my experience in servicing a K50 here in Europe.
My K50 is about 2 years old. I have always left in ON 24/7 .

About a month ago my k50 refused to boot up after I left it shut down for a week or so ( I was out on holidays) .
I reached out to my dealer elite audio (wonderful guys btw) , and sent the unit from ireland to UK for them to have a look.
They kept the unit for a week or so but couldn’t figure out the problem. So they sent the K50 to the UK service centre for Antipodes. I didn’t knew Antipodes had a service centre here in Europe :slight_smile:

so its been there since then, the service centre came back saying they think the main board need replacing , and have ordered to be delivered from Antipodes NZ .
So all in all it’s been more than a month since I sent the unit back .

The delay is a bit frustrating , but I am plenty happy to know I can service my server within Europe instead of sending it back every time to NZ.

I will keep you guys posted on this .

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My K50 has finally shipped from the service centre , hopefully I should get it next week. I really missed my K50.


Sorry for the delay. I totally forgot to update this thread. My K50 arrived safe early July and has been performing flawless the last 3 months :slight_smile:


Mine took a week for the K50 upgrade. Faultless performance from the guys in NZ