Hi there, can I please have a show of hands as to who cannot access their servers from our webpage, and must use myantipodes.com
I can access either way
Via antipodes.audio and myantipodes both work for me (Oladra in UK).
Likewise, both work for me.
For me also both ways work well - the Antipodes website as well as myantipodes.com.
The website worked for me reliably during the AMS 3.x period. With the move to AMS 4.x, it sometimes worked. Myantipodes.com has been reliable throughout.
No problems here either way.
I can’t access either unless I turn off my VPN. I can get both once this is off.
I can access the server via Finder at any time. K30
Exactly the same here, except I use both Apple private relay & a VPN & both require turning off for access via either website. Not a problem as I just keep a shortcut pinned to my favourites bar. (K50)
I can use either, although it doesn’t occur to me to go to the website for access to the K50. And for whatever it is worth, I gave up using a VPN a while back because of all the access it denied that I actually wanted. Perhaps foolish and lazy…
Both work for me . No issues .
MyAntipodes does not find my Kala K50 today. Haven’t tried to connect for a few weeks so I don’t know when it stopped working.
ROON is still working and I can control my music so have been unaware of the not being able to see it via myantipodes.
I would reboot your router, Antipodes and remote computer.
dx3 oladra here works either way
DS Ref w/Core Upgrade. Both work.
I have to use myantipodes.com to access my server.
I don’t use a VPN.
I can access either way both from my PC and iOS devices.
Myantipodes.com works 100% of the time, and until I recently stopped using my ISP modem as my router; I regularly had issues seeing both my CX & EX via the website at Setup Your Antipodes - Antipodes Products On Your Network.
After switching from using my ISP modem as the router I have not had any issues accessing my devices from your webpage, except when using Apple’s Private Relay…
Prior to the switch away from using the ISP modem as my router, I would see a mixed behaviour on my Mac and iOS devices. For example: only one antipodes device would be visible, or none, but occasionally both; and I often saw different results at the same time between my Mac and iOS devices.
As you are previously aware @MarkCole, my ISP modem did not allow me to select my own DNS servers… With the ISP modem now purely acting as the internet gateway, and my now using a Linksys setup for wifi & routing; I have been issue free and experiencing the best network performance I’ve had to date
When my K50 was new, it wouldn’t work. I thought the unit was faulty ad wanted to send it back but I was showed my.antipodes and it worked.
Created a shortcut and was good to go.
After a recent upgrade it now works from the web site.
I think my problem was iCloud Private Relay running on my Mac. Turning it off solved the problem.