New K50 G4 vs. K50 v2 (G3) - impression after the upgrade

Sure. I recently swapped my EX and CX for a K30, intending to eventually upgrade to G4. With my upcoming move, I’ve sold off a substantial amount of 120V equipment in anticipation of starting fresh on a 220V continent. However, this transition won’t happen for another two months, the time it takes to ship a container. Despite the wait, I have several priorities lined up for this year and with $3K for a possible G4 upgrade in hand, I can make significant other improvements.
As of today, I’m approximately 50% confident that the G4 upgrade will come to fruition, provided I can carve out enough time before end of August instead of December (I previously misread here?) to thoroughly evaluate my new setup.

I’m set on getting G4, but I need to navigate budget and time constraints.

K30 - The K30 can be upgraded to G4 Oladra technology including the new USB output for USD3,000.

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A friend had dropped by yesterday to hear my system. The only change since his last visit was the K50 receiving the G4 upgrade. I had told him what Antipodes charges for this upgrade. He wrote…

“…this upgrade sounds like a much more expensive upgrade to me. There is a new level of refinement, beauty, and tonal realism to everything from solo piano to cymbals to massed strings. Very, very nice.”


I am at a crossroads! I cannot decide whether to go for G4 or get a new DAC. There is a new DAC called a Ferrum WANDLA Golden Sound DAC that acts as a streamer and a preamp. The cost is only $2800!

I would go for the G4 upgrade.


My K50 is back with G4-Upgrade:

Just restore Roon-Backup, now „burn in“ starts… :grin:

atb, Tom


Whats your current DAC? And what’s the unit that would be upgraded to G4?

On my upgraded K50 the burn in changes were less noticeable than from new. In both cases i was able to marvel at and enjoy them from day 1. Cant say the same about some of the cables i have acquired over the years.

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What happens after august? Antipodes wont provide the upgrade any more?

Most likely they set aside parts that would allow them to offer this through August. If enough parts remain after that, likely upgrades will still be possible, but not something one should bet on. I base this on what I observed with the most recent CX/EX upgrade.

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My current DAC is PS Audio Direct Stream DAC Mk. 1. I am going to buy a three box solution. There is a company from Poland called Ferrum that has a new DAC called “Golden Sound” DAC that will ship in 2 weeks. It retails for $3299. There is also another box called Hypsos and a third which is a headphone amp called OOR. If I buy these, I would be selling my K50 because the new DAC is also a streamer. Stereophile speaks highly of the DAC in “Recommended Equipment” for the Spring 2024

I hope you can audition first. The server is far more important than the DAC, in my opinion.

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I don’t believe the wandla has streaming functionality

[quote=“jazzbirder, post:91, topic:1780”]
My current DAC is PS Audio Direct Stream DAC Mk. 1.
[/quote] Great DAC. I have owned one. In my opinion the Wandla would be a step backwards (even with the Hypsos power supply). Though…to be fair… I have not heard the Golden Sound version. Btw the Wandla does not have an inbuilt streamer.

My experience is simililar to Kenny’s. i have learnt ( the hard way…wasted $$$$s) to prioritise music server ahead of DAC upgraditis… DAC marketing is very seductive but I have hit diminishing returns way faster with DACs than i have with music servers.

My recoomendation would be to stick with what you have and if you want/need to add a headphone amp lots of great options depending on the cans you own. Burson Soloist, Bryston BHA1, Holo Bliss, HeadAmp GSK mini to name a few. Ferrum Oor plus the Hypsos is a good option also but for the price there are definitely better options Imho. To make the right choice for your cans, you will definitely need to demo before buying.

And fwiw, sometimes not making a decision to get rid of what you already own is the better decision. K50 plus PS audio directstream is a very high level combination. There’s a real risk of going backwards from there. Good luck with which ever path you take.


i’m interested in the ASC tube traps, could you pls share where you have them in your room - only corners or elsewhere? And if you want to share a photo that would be nice. thx

See the photo in the following post in my thread:

Ken’s occasionally-evolving system - #10 by kennyb123.

Also in the first post in that thread, I described how they are positioned. I also use three Stillpoints Aperture panels. Please post any further questions on this to that thread. I can share more pics too.

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At the last minute, I changed my mind and decided to do the upgrade.
The uncertainty of upgrading without being able to try it out made me nervous.
When I got the K50 back, it was immediately clear that there was a change.
But that this turned out to be so positive surprised me.
For me, this is a real upgrade .