Thanks Ken.
I previously used poly-sinc-gauss-hires-lp (both) and TPDF, only up to 192000 though as I am using AES. I think I read that somewhere in this forum to try this filter.
I didn’t notice too much difference previously Roon/HQ vs. Roon/Roon before.
I switched to sinc-M, maybe tighter bass on John Scofield Polo Towers? but going back to squeeze vocals in the track below sounded a little less processed, a little more natural, but only went back and forth once. I can only listen for half an hour, and it takes more than a few clicks to get this HQ machine runnin’. Jussi should have a 1 full day a month instead of 30 min. per day trial? But I am in no hurry to buy it.
Might as well do a squeeze/squeeze vs. Roon/roon while I am at it.
Regarding the track below*: At first I thought the snapping sound at the beginning was a little more prominant with squeeze, which would indicate better resolution, but the last test using Roon changed my mind. But the bass is definitely a wee-bit less lumpy with squeeze, which I prefer. However on Cocoa’s vocals maybe there was a bit too much air on her voice with squeeze? splitting hairs but Roon may have been better, maybe her voice is just a touch thicker which makes the air/breath less prominent. I do know with my other tube amp her voice was absolutely perfect with Roon. (This new amp is barely broken in, and I am still playing with different tubes- lots going on.)
Not much in it to my ears, today at least. Bass tighter with Squeeze, as it has always been previously, Mids/treble slightly thicker and less resolving with Roon. With this particular track it’s a tie.
I will add the difference on this particular track between squeeze and roon is less noticeable than adding the Stack Audio smoothlan in my streaming chain about 6 weeks ago- which I still find shocking as I already have 2 filters in the chain. (ER and one in the SoTM cat cable).
Typically of late I am Roon 90% of the time, and I switch to squeeze when I hear a track where the bass is too boomy- squeeze usually tames it to my liking. There is more air and resolution with squeeze, and this is a benefit on some well recorded tracks, but not on all, and most times for me not enough of a reason to switch back and forth, so I suppose 10% of the time the bass gets to me, or I am feeling really picky. I will say a few days ago I was listening to Emerson, Lake and Palmer, decided to switch from Roon to squeeze and the extra bit of clarity and air between instruments was very enjoyable.
*track: Have you heard of this Sweet Cocoa? I really like her voice on this short 2min. track. She is based out of Seattle it says, but not very many recordings to hear; I think all of them are teamed up with this Kauai45 person. I didn’t care for her other tracks as much as this one on just one listen, but I need to try them again: (If you are not already aware) check it out and let you know what you think.