Optimal C-3PO settings

They know this. Please just try to have the right expectations. Developing this software is not easy to do. It could take years to develop something that will be a delight to use.

Antipodes had had enough time.

I also mentioned that in previous posts. Antipodes needs to create a player app that is sound-tuned to their servers. And of course it’s their job to compare them to Squeeze. They’ll do it. If you don’t want that and Squeeze is enough for them, then you have to watch Squeeze. work with them. Cramps such as a non-functioning C-3PO function must be avoided. And and and. Everything I’ve written before.

@Christian You have more faith than I do that an app such as the one you desire can be created with equal or better sound than Squeeze. I know Roon have not done it and I am pretty sure that Innuos have not done it.

Sorry but this is an arrogant position to take. You elected to purchase a server from a company that had not yet entered the software business. Antipodes has been a hardware company for their entire existence. They have not been pitching themselves as anything other than a hardware company. If custom software was so important to you, you should have purchased a product from one of their competitors who advertise themselves as being both a hardware and software company.

Pivoting to become a software company is not an easy thing for any company to do. This is not something that should be rushed either. Taiko has been really struggling to get XDMS to beta. They have badly slipped their dates.

His expectations couldn’t be more unrealistic. Squeeze sounds so good mostly because it attempts to do so little. Roon shows what happens to sound quality when more and more features are added.

For heavens sake, Antipodes servers come pre-loaded with Roon, Squeeze, MPD and HQPlayer, and each of these is well-supported and widely used. Surely it is possible to find musical satisfaction from at least one of these systems.

And do Aurender, Innuos, Melco offer such a choice?


This is not accurate. C-3PO can solve many use cases - and it does so without costing us any additional licensing fees. Every night I sit down to an audio system that blows my mind as far as sound quality. Squeeze and C-3PO are huge contributors to that. I am tremendously thankful that we have both options available to us.

@Christian : I turn my K50 off when I suspect a thunderstorm is in the offing as there’s no need to do so otherwise & it sounds better when continuously left on.

As for the complaint of Antipodes not having their own app, as Windyb stated, they come pre-loaded with multiple options & whilst we don’t all choose the same option, at least we have those options, whereas most do not.

I bought my first Antipodes K50 unit because after owning a few steamer/servers (Auralic x 3) & having tried a few others, including Aurender, Melco & Innuos, Auralic units simply sounded better than any of the others, at least to my ears.

If Antipodes bring out their own control app, I’ll certainly try it, but it won’t guarantee I’ll use it regularly, unless it’s stupidly better than Roon server with Squeeze player in terms of sound quality, in which case I’ll still probably swop from time to time just because I like the music discovery features of Roon.

But in any case, surely you already knew Antipodes didn’t already have their own dedicated app & if that’s so, then why would you buy a streamer/server dedicated primarily to ultimate sound quality?

Hell, most of the competitors that I’ve listed to, sounded absolutely dire compared to Antipodes units, own apps or not.


No problem. We’re welcome to stick with Squeeze. That’s exactly what I said. The cooperation between Squeeze and Antipodes just needs to be improved or strengthened. The functions under Squeeze must work, be designed to be more self-explanatory, be tidied up and clearer. At C-3PO it was clear that Jugend forscht was at work. And I don’t want anything like that. Those were just my words. And that’s why I say, now for the thousandth time, I’ll pay for it too.

No, Aurender does not offer such a large selection! Do you have to?! They have developed an app that fits their servers and sounds the best and works smoothly. There are no functions that don’t work. A consumer does not want more. I know many customers have complained to Aurender for not offering Roon. For many, it is an absolute purchase criterion. Aurender will probably be an option for Roon at the end of the year. I wouldn’t care about Roon in Aurender either. But they have to deliver to meet the demand. I have described what I want very well. I won’t keep repeating myself…

Yes exactly and most had to disable it because it doesn’t work and don’t know what the function does.

C3P0 does work, whats needed is an interface thats simple to use, thats clear, its only needed/used if you require to re-sample, down-sample, up-sample, most people have little to no use for it TBH. It is but one plug-in of many inside of Squeeze.
I think weve done this to death.