Power feed advice and recommendations

Thanks again Sean. I’ve saved this info for future reference when I can get to it.

Sounds like you are on a good path but thought I’d just chip in a few cents worth from my experience in AU where installations need to meet the same AU/NZ standard.

Cheap SMPSs will probably be polluting your power so try to eliminate them.

S20 is a reclocker and K30 is server + player so you will be using both server and player already. S20 will probably not be affected by the load K30 is under but will probably benefit form LPS such as S60.

Here is some relevant reading … https://shunyata.com/2014/05/02/electrical-system-concepts/

The usual approach is amps on one line and the rest one another, but if you have three then, digital on its own, especially network gear!

Assume everything plugged into your house power will inject some noise that may find its way to your hifi. So having dedicated lines tot he hifi minimises this. Added bonus is you’ll also by default get a dedicated ground to Earth.

I have previous searched too. I use Synergistic Research US outlets. Garden variety AU/NZ outlets are absolute rubbish by comparison.

I recall Siemens specs shows some of theirs have copper contacts.

Would I be correct to assume that it would be noncompliant to bring a suitable mains cable out of the wall and terminate with a plug that fits straight into a mains block?

Hello dbastin 2605,

Cheap SMPSs will probably be polluting your power so try to eliminate them.

I do have three SMPS in the system connected into a power box on a separate line. One a Ifi ipower to the Dlink switch and the other two connected to a Rega turntable.
Oddly Rega states to only use their propritary PS1 AC adaptor, but not sure why?
WARNING: Only use the supplied PS1 AC adaptor.
On the list to look into.

Thank you for the link to the Shunyata article.

Since this posting, I have installed an S60 to the S20.

Assume everything plugged into your house power will inject some noise that may find its way to your hifi. So having dedicated lines tot he hifi minimises this. Added bonus is you’ll also by default get a dedicated ground to Earth.
A question; is line noise directional on a circuit? For eg, would the first wall socket from the mains board be less likely to suffer from noise effects of line noise, as a socket, multiply sockets away from the mains board or possibly after a noise polluting appliance?

Agree about the available plugs here. I ordered some Viborg VN506G AUS/NZ plugs so will see how these perform.

Siemens was one of the companies that couldn’t; give a definitive answer as to the type of contact materials. Possibly country dependent?

I had the discussion once when installing an air-conditioner. In that situation, the AU regs require that the appliance is capable of being isolated from live power, which I achieved with a circuit breaker that can be locked off. A switch is more convenient.

For an outlet the regs might be different. I installed a 32a rotary 3 phase industrial switch, partly as an interface from one cable to another.

None of my dedicated line is compliant with the requirements, however I am very confident it is not unsafe even if no one has gone to the considerable exoense to prove that to the very fussy AU regulators.

Sorry, I dont know but it seems based in Shunyatas CCI approach that noise can pass from the AC inlet on one component into the inlet of another plugging to the same outlet or another outlet connected to the same AC in wall power cable.

Also, without dedicated lines, noise seems to permeate from the appliances connected to the building wiring into audio gear.

So it appears noise is omnidirectional.

I am also not sure how much noise is on AC conductors and how much is on Earth.

My observation is current is directional but noise can transmit opposite to that flow … it rides on or over AC wires, it uses the wires not the AC current.

It seems the same occurs in ethernet.

2 lines means 2 conditioners ideally. One really needs to test both options:

  1. One dedicated line, one conditioner, everything pluggedinto that

  2. Two dedicated lines, one conditioner with most things plugged into that and other things (eg. Amps) plugged into the 2nd dedicated line.

Of course, Shunyatas solution was Denali 6 oulet for most stuff and Denali 2 outlet on the 2nd line for amps (Cyclops was the predecessor to the small Denali).

Shunyata even had the DPC for a 3rd line just for digital.

Yeah one definitely needs to test both options because you never know.

I had always found that my amp sounded better powered off my second circuit than plugged into the Denali v1 powered off the other dedicated circuit. I reevaluated a number of times over the years and the result was always the same. That changed earlier this year when I swapped the cord feeding my Denail. A QSA Lanedri Revelation Gamma replaced a Delta XC and not only was it a massive improvement, I found that my amp sounded substantially better powered off the Denali.