Qobuz not streaming hi rez on K21 AMS 5.01

I am setting up my K21 to stream Qobuz through Squeeze. Everything works well except it will not stream hi-res files above 16/44.1. Is there a setting that I have to change in my Antipodes dashboard. I am able to find settings for hi resolution playback in the Qobuz app and Qobuz web player, but that doesn’t help with K21 playback. I have confirmed that any hi-res downloads on my SSD do play correctly through the K21 & DAC. It is only playback through the Qobuz that’s giving me problems either through the Antipodes dashboard or through iPeng. I must be missing a setting somewhere. Can anyone help?

Hi there, ensure you have selected Hi-Res playback inside Squeeze, where you set your password:


Thanks Mark - that worked. I obviously didn’t scroll all the way to the bottom of the server settings screen for the Qobus app. I had presumed it would default to the highest resolution supported by my DAC. Hopefully this post can be useful if anyone else has the same issue.