Has anyone experience issues removing Qobuz favorites? I like the fact when you add a favorite in the Qobuz app it appears in My Music as a virtual rip. However, when I want to remove a Qobuz title from My Music library (after un-hearting it in Qobuz), I must completely clear my music library and rescan everything. In my experience, simply rescanning for new or changed items does not clear the Qobuz favorite from My Music library. It doesn’t matter if I do this through the K21 Antipodes dashboard or iPeng app, I must clear and rescan everything. Has anyone had a different experience with favorites?
Hi pmasleks. I’m not sure if this is helpful for your setup, but I just use the Qobuz app on my Windows laptop, often leaving it open while playing music (with Material Squeeze). The ‘hearts’ added to artists and albums in the Qobuz app have always found their way through to Squeeze. I like the Qobuz interface better for that task.
Thanks, Artoly - The problem I have is when I remove a “heart”. It does not disappear from the Antipodes album list (or iPeng) without a complete refresh of the server.
The library will need to be re-scanned in Squeeze to see changes
Thanks for the input - I may not use the Qobuz favorites anymore as it takes quite some time to rescan ~2TB of data. Simply updating the library is straight-forward, but a complete rescan is a bit too much for simply un-hearting one or two favorites.
In theory, the use of “Look for new and changed media files” should work for the scan, in practice, this is not the case I believe, sits with Squeeze developers
Looking forward to what Audirvana brings to the table.
I just rechecked this on mine. After selecting 2 albums and 2 artists in Material Squeeze, I ‘unhearted’ them within the W10 Qobuz app then refreshed the Chrome browser running Squeeze. Maybe I’m just lucky, but it appears to work seamlessly without any need for rescanning.