I am in no way implying I have any clue about internet security; I don’t 
And I haven’t read that entire thread yet either, but did catch one post from a fellow who seems to know quite a bit about security as software engineer, and he explained Roon was doing everything as well as possible, from a security standpoint. Others clearly point out there are issues with open ports- I don’t know who is a better hacker, so I don’t know the answer.
So in your case I am guessing the virus/malware came from somewhere else and it just happened to attach to the easiest prey, the audio files in your drive, so to speak? You don’t recall opening a questionable email attachment? And perhaps this malware is somewhere else as well, and you don’t know this yet? edit: just read the above, yes perhaps your guest downloaded an infected file or opened one on your network.
I would do a malwarebytes scan- use the free version, I have found things in years past with this that others antivirus scans missed, but currently I don’t use any antivirus as I read (from alleged experts) they are a waste of money as long as someone is on recent computers- as long as mac is updated and someone is on windows 10 at least, and knock on wood I have had no issues in many years. Of course all the anti-virus companies scare people and want their money.
Recently upgraded my gateway through my provider to wifi6: here is what they say regarding security:
Wi-Fi 6 uses WPA3, the latest security standard for Wi-Fi, which offers more robust authentication and stronger encryption. WPA3 is mandatory for Wi-Fi 6 devices operating in the 6 GHz band, but optional for devices in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands.
So if you are on WPA2 etc. consider upgrading that.
Every time we go online we assume some risk, same as getting on a plane, or driving a car on the highway. I suppose if we desire no risk in life we could non-conform, go offline, and live in the bush like one of those sovereign citizen freaks, but karma most likely will prevail and we would get hit by lightning or eaten by a bear. Think I’ll just keep Roon going and be thankful I just have first world problems.