Roon DSD conversion

Maybe someone knows the answer.
When choosing DSD in Roon Muse, I can only choose DSD64 as the samplerate.
The DAC i’m using is able to accept DSD 128 USB input.
Where does Roon get the DAC information (K50)?

PSaudio spec.:
I2S, and USB — 44.1kHz to 352.8kHz 16bit, 24bit, DSD 64, DSD 128 (I2S DSD 256 with Sunlight update)

Interesting, DSD flags etc need to be built into the Linux kernel.
If you go to the Audio Section, and click on the cog of the Roon Ready device, Device Setup, what has been selected?
Can you post a screenshot shot of the actual setup?

Hi Mark,

Thanks for the quick response.

I tried again.
In full Roon, I can indeed choose the Directstream Dac.
Here I can also select DSD128.
Whether via I2S DSD256 also works I do not know yet.

With SqueezePlayer which I always use, I can only select DSD64.
Could this be correct?

Roon mode:

RoonServer SqueezePlayer mode:

I believe he’s looking for screenshots of the device setup page. Click the gear and select Device setup.

Unfortunately, Roon appears to be unaware of the fact that Squeezelite on Antipodes is capable of up to DSD512, so DSD64 is the max.

Thx Kenny,

I added some screenshots above

Not sure what Mark wanted to see exactly, but I think it would be very helpful to be able to see what I am showing here.

Thx Kenny,

I had to scroll down to see that info.

Roon mode:

RoonServer SqueezePlayer mode:

Not sure if native DSD is supported by your DAC, but see what effect toggling this setting would have.

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Ahhhh, so yes, using Squeezelite is limited, due to Roon, 24/192 and DSD64
If you use Roon/Roon or Squeeze/Squeeze preset you should be good to go.

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