Roon Remote app on iOS will not connect to server

Recent update to Roon (build 1382), now Remote app on iOS via WiFi cannot find K30 server. I can ping K30 from iOS, but cannot find server.
OSX on same network via WiFi or ethernet has no issue connecting.
Tried all closely relevant fixes on Roon support to no avail except one because of access:

Any thoughts?

Have you the latest ios app?

The first thing to check is that remotes are allowed in settings:

I’m not sure he’ll even see that option offered when using a K30 as his server. I don’t & never have using a K50. Below is what I see :-

My assumption (though I could be wrong :smile:) is that when using such a device as a K50 or K30 then connections from remotes automatically become allowable…Otherwise how would you control it?

Check that the Solution Dashboard is set to Roon, seems straight-forward but has to be checked.
Restart the iOS device, force shut-down, then re-start.
Re-boot network, Antipodes, routers, switches etc

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Yes, excellent point, I think you are correct- I am just relaying my experiences from years past, previous to the Antipodes product, and assumed one had to setup remote access then connect Roon ready products, but it makes sense to not have that unnecessary step if one has no alternate computer to connect the core first. Just to make sure I clicked off that remote access option while the core was on the laptop, and connected the core in the K50, and my iphone (remote) connected just fine, and I see no option for remote access like your picture above. Seems even more odd now that @Fast_Eddie can connect with the computer but not the phone.

Just to relay some more info I updated to build 1382 yesterday and my old iphone 7 was updated to build 1378 and no issues.

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Well, having made absolutely no changes since last night when the Roon Remote iOS app could still not connect, this morning the server is now seen by the app!
Neither the phone or the K30 have been turned off or have had any changes made …but now all good.
No idea why.

Thanks to all for your ideas and help.