Yes. It’s dependent upon the requirement of the component(s) being powered by the LPS.
In my case, the two components require 12A/6V power.
Is it standard with Antipodes ? My Antipodes gear is CX/DS-3/S20
I suggest that you check the power requirement specs for your components.
FYI, I don’t use my PliXir LPS to power my K41. I use a PS Audio P15 Powerplant (which also powers most of my other components, except my Gryphon Essence Amp, which is plugged into the wall).
Ever try the S-booster BOTW ?, seems I can get a few of those for a reasonable price. I’m currently using it on my player(DS-3)
I haven’t tried it but, as I recall, it’s had good reviews.
You’ve got the CX, which can already serve as both a server and a player, and clearly, you added a better-clocked digital output.Did you mention you use CX as server with files on local SSD, not sure since you also have the DS-3?
Adding a quality standalone player with independent power will take your SQ up a notch—each one brings its own flavor. Plus, it lets the CX focus purely on server duties, reducing processor load and improving SQ even further. Keep in mind, Antipodes’ top servers sound as good as they do partly because they have separately powered server and player boards inside.
Regarding power, go for the best you can afford—it’s worth it. There’s a ton of opinions out there (this is a classic read), but be warned: it’s a deep rabbit hole. They all sound different (actually change the SQ) , but how much of that you’ll actually hear in your setup? No one can say for sure. Don’t worry too much about amperage—a player/endpoint doesn’t need much. That said, opinions even on this can vary.
The iFi Elite is solid, but if you stretch your budget, you’ll get better performance—at least double the iFi $$ is the minimum I’d spend for the quality of the S30 board. (I’ve used the S30 to great result with Farad, Uptone, and Ferrum Hypsos.) If you’re powering both the S20 and S30, you could go with a Y-cable or find a PSU with dual outputs.
Going for an EX or EX G3? That skips the need for an external PSU, saving you a box and some extra cables.
12V, but always read the label first.
Thanks for the recommendations. Some good reviews on a long list of Linear supplies from Audio Bacon.
Yes I’m using the CX as my server only accessing local files. I do backup my files on my DS-3, as it has 4TB of SSD. In general the DS-3 is only doing player duties though.
Which device do you think benefits the most from a Linear supply ? CX, S20 re-clocker or the endpoint player DS-3 ?? I will strive to get an external supply for all though.
Just another piece of gear to add to the list as we strive for the best.
I first need to understand how your music files travel in your setup. You initially made me aware of the DS-3, but I haven’t used it. I didn’t realize it could function as a player too. Sorry, I just jumped in here. My assumption was that the CX played the files over USB from either its local SSD or the DS-3 over USB to the S20 to the DAC.
- CX → DS-3 → S20 → DAC
- CX (SSD local) → S20 → DAC
I would play from the CX to the S20 over USB, and that would be it for the best sound. But now, I assume that playing to the DS-3 from the CX sounds best in your setup?
For 12V power, that would be either the S20 or the DS-3, since the CX has its power built in unless you want to bypass CX internal psu?
Yes this is how I play my music * CX(SSD Local) → DS-3 → S20 → DAC currently I have a BOTW Sbooster connected to my DS-3. I need the S20 to take the USB signal, as my DAC will only take AES/Spdif. I’m now searching for a LPS with 2 DC outputs. So you are saying the CX does not need a linear power supply ? That helps, to narrow down my search. Been looking at a Uptone JS-2, decent price.
Being curious, if I had a CX (again ;-), I would put a good SSD in one of the slots, connect it to the S20 with my best LPS (it needs 12V correct?) compare, and call it a day. Maybe you do not need the DS-3 as a player looking at the components you have. Just exploring, maybe you already tried? Only you of course can determine what sounds best. Did you consider taking a DAC with USB input instead?
Sorry if I didn’t fully understand your setup correctly. And keep in mind, each of us may have a different perspective. I don’t want to contradict any advice you got from Kenny or Mark—just explore, as you seem to be doing.
Yeah the reason I got the CX was because I was told I would get better sound separating the server from the player. The heavy server duties with the CX. I don’t want to change my DAC. I own a Bel canto with some decent upgrades, including upgrading the separate power supply from Bel canto. I’m extremely happy with the organic sound of my Bel canto.
I do have a very nice 4TB SSD in my CX. Samsung PM893 as suggested by Antipodes. being that the CX was built to provide great server duties, seems like the right approach.
For fun I might try the CX going directly into the S20, using the CX as Server/Player and listen to the results.
I totally get how we all have our own preference, but it’s always nice to have these conversations.
Cheers PaulW
Whether it’s the DS-3 or the S30
Excellent choice, two independently adjustable, separately regulated outputs. Four user-selectable DC output voltages. It will last you for a long time.
absolutely, the reason for playing files from this SSD is to achieve optimal sound quality
Hard to find info but there seems to be a significant difference between USB and coax? Anyway, be sure to compare all possible connections. If you can connect the CX to the DS over Ethernet, whether direct or through a switch, the sound will also vary.
You didn’t mention whether you’re using Roon or another server/player software—that makes a difference too.
Cheers, and have fun!
PS. Do you know this reviewer? He’s tested all the Antipodes models and loves them. His audio impressions are spot on.
Yes !!, This reviewer is one of the few who covers Antipodes equipment. Very detailed also.
I’m using Squeeze, many people say it sounds better than Roon. I’ve been into Squeeze for many years before I purchased Antipodes. That’s how I found Antipodes, searching for a company that uses the squeeze eco-system.
So, does your DS-3 only have a USB output? Since you’re using the S20 to add SPDIF, it can’t be the same as the Antipodes DS Base Music Server reviewed by Christiaan Punter, correct?
Edit: Found this. : Increasing my storage on DS-3
Your DS-3 has the upgraded USB (see review), like all later versions. However, the drive is likely an HDD. Ideally, today it should be a quieter SSD—or better yet, no hard drive at all in a player or endpoint to minimize noise.
This is a simple process, but it should be handled with caution, as there’s potential for sound quality improvement. Have you opened up your DS-3 to check inside? If you choose to proceed at your own risk, you could try disconnecting the HDD SATA (data) and HDD power cable.
- If the unit doesn’t start up, the OS is likely installed on the same drive rather than a separate NVMe SSD.
- If it does start up, you can test playback using files stored on the CX’s Samsung PM893 SSD with Squeeze to Squeeze. At this point, the endpoint’s PSU is only powering the player and USB.
Now, the quality of the final cable to your DAC becomes even more critical—just like the quality of the DC cable, especially if you’re using a JS-2 or an equivalent power supply. Who knows, maybe you’ve got yourself even more than a slight upgrade
My DS-3 Has both USB & Spdif. I was told the USB ouput is better,by how much I don’t know.
From that review of the DS, my version was the newer version, not using SotM card. My drive was upgraded from the previous owner. I currently have a 4 TB SSD Samsung EVO in the DS-3, but now I’m only using it to back up music that I put on the CX drive.
I’m currently using a Tellurium Q digital Spdif cable from my S20 to my DAC, but now that I have the S20, I might change that and get a good AES/EBU cable. I think my DAC prefers that input source as well.