Slight upgrade - adding a CX

Hi All,
Mark suggested I get a CX to use as my server to my DS-3. Well I was able to purchase a demo from a dealer here in Canada. Very happy to add this to the music chain. I’m now in the process of getting a hard drive for the CX. I’ve read here that the Samsung PM893 is the way to go. I might stick with the more affordable EVO 870. I’m not sure I’ll hear the sonic diff.

My Question:
My DS-3 has a 4TB SSD installed in the unit. I understand getting the CX is to allow the DS-3 to not work as hard, but can I just use the 4TB on the DS-3 as a backup to the music on my CX ?
I can adjust the setting so music is only playing from the CX, but I was hoping to utilize the 4TB on DS and backup everything I put on the CX. I will also back up on physical hard drives that I own.
What approach would you use ? Hate to waste the 4TB I have on my DS-3. Would you maybe use the 4TB on the DS-3 with your main library ?
Thanks in advance.

I think it’s generally best to have the Player device doing as little as possible. The lower the activity, the better the sound.

Not sure if it’s possible to pull that drive out of the DS. But if you can, you can purchase an enclosure for it then allow it to be used for backup.

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I don’t know if this Antipodes model allows for a user to remove the SSD hard drive from the DS-3.
I’m not adverse to opening it up, but would hate to play with it and cause a problem.

Also would like to know if the CX would benefit from some sort of Linear power supply ?

The CX has an internal power supply.

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As I thought through this a bit more, I don’t think it would be detrimental to back up to the drive in the DS as long as the backup isn’t occurring while you are listening.

Not sure if you are a Mac or PC user, but if you have a Mac the application Chronosync would do an awesome job of synchronizing the drive in the DS with the drive in the CX. Sync jobs can be scheduled so you would be able to control when and how often the sync job is run. I use this application to keep the drives in my Antipodes server in sync with a folder in my NAS. It works exceptionally well. I’m sure there are similar apps available for PC.

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I’m a pc user, but I can search for a program that might be equivalent to the program you mentioned. Sounds like a great. Many thanks for responding to my newbie questions.

I just did a quick search. A free one came up that may be worth trying out:

One important thing: make sure that it only does a one way sync. One way sync only copied to or deletes from the destination drive, leaving the source drive alone.

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Beauty !!, I’ll give it a try. Could also help when I’m transferring everything from my DS to my new hard drive on my CX. As per recommendations on here I got a 4TB Samsung PM893.
Once I replenish my funds I might upgrade my DS to a better player, but the EX or S30 don’t have Spdif or AES outs. My Bel canto Dac won’t take USB. Rather then using a USB converter I think I prefer to use the Spdif output on the DS for now.

Evaluate it on a single test folder. I recall a report where someone set up a sync incorrectly and it deleted all his music files. That’s why one way sync is a must.

A digital to digital converter (DDC) can bring nice improvements as it will have to reclock to create the spdif. Your DS includes an internal DDC as that is the case with the current Antipodes models that have SPDIF outputs, though they refer to it as a reclocker. Adding a DDC to your DS might be a good next step, especially if you select one that uses a superior internal clock. Since internal clock specs are rarely provided, you’ll have to use your ears alone to determine that. The quality of the power supply matters with a DDC as well.

I have no personal experience with the Gustard U18, but many owners of the same DAC that I own absolutely love it. It’s affordable and available from several sellers who offer 30 day money back both directly and through Amazon. Might be a good way to audition one but just be sure to give it as long as possible to settle in before reaching a conclusion.

I do have a spare Matrix Audio X-SPDIFII . Doesn’t need a power supply, can use USB power. So are you saying the re-clocker inside the DS is not very good ?
Just seems that instead of going through all that conversion through USB, that the Spdif output has to be on par to the USB output ?
I’ve always thought that adding layers to a music chain is never the 1st approach.

No, I’m saying that it’s likely possible to improve upon the re-clocker in the DS. I don’t know how much one would have to spend to do that.

It is usually the case where simplify the signal path can bring better sound. Re-clockers tend to be the exception. I should point out though that you wouldn’t necessarily be adding another layer, you’d be substituting one layer for another… Inside the DS, it is USB that is fed into the internal re-clocker. Ideally that same USB bus would feed an external re-clocker.

Might be interesting to try but you may need something better to improve upon the internal re-clocker.

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Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with me Kennyb. I see a used Antipodes P2 for sale. I know that would probably be the best to match up with my streaming set-up, my the price is still a bit too high for me. $1200USD. Anyway it’s best to realize you can’t get audio nirvana over night. To get the best gear, it’s probably best to add the pieces in a gradual way, therefore you can get the right pieces. Not just a simple cheap fix.

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Well I am about to eat my words. I found a well priced S20, which should be a good fit for re-clocking the USB output of my DS-3. I can then take a Spdif/AES/i2sq out of S20 into my DAC. To round it all out, I’ll wait for either a EX or S30 to eventually replace the DS-3, to be used as a player only. Almost an end game setup for me. :slight_smile:


I’ve recently made some drastic changes to my setup. I’m going to stick with this for now, but I need to know about one last upgrade to this setup, for the future…

Now that I have a CX(server only) DS-3(Player only) & S20(Spdif output into DAC) Is it best to Get an EX or S-30 as my future player ? Now that I have a S-20, I’m no longer relying on my Spdif output on my DS-3.
I realize the EX was made to pair with the CX, So do I keep my eyes open for a EX, or is the S30 a better solution ?

Almost feels like end game setup :grinning:

Could really use an opinion on this last question. EX or S30 With my new CX ? or stick with my DS-3 as a player only, because I might not notice much of a difference. Adding the S20 really help to use the USB output. That hurdle has been fixed.

Hi @bunkertoy ,
Based on my experience—having owned them all except for the S20 (for which I used a Singxer DDC + Farad or Uptone psu)—the S30 is a better and more recent player, featuring the same player board that was in the K50 (G1?). However, the S30 requires an external power supply. The S60, a very good psu, was the same power supply used in the K50 at the time. Of course there are many good psu’s with different sound signatures. What power supply are you using with the S20? Will it be shared to feed the S30? The quality of the PSU for both the S20 and S30 is a crucial factor—don’t underestimate its impact.

Meanwhile, they offered a hardware upgrade to Oladra G3 technology for the EX, including improved power, bringing it up to—or possibly exceeding—the level of the S30 + S60 combination. Ultimately, your ears will decide.

I don’t recall if the EX G3 also included a new upgraded USB output, which could be a key factor in your decision.

AC cords, DC cords, and Ethernet cables can all impact the performance of the S30, EX, and CX. It’s worth auditioning a few, especially once you’ve made your choice but want to fine-tune the setup. Begin with the player!

Additionally, connecting the EX/ S30 directly to the CX or routing both through a switch does not produce the same sound quality. The outcome depends on the quality of the switch, its power supply, and Ethernet cables—whether we like it or not. :disappointed:

And last but not least, since you prioritize an optimal SSD and prefer local files, the best-sounding option will likely be Squeeze-to-Squeeze or MPD with Squeeze Server / Minimserver, the latter ideally via my preferred JPLAY for iOS.

Ultimately, your ears will decide —but if you have an existing high-end PSU ready to pair with the S30, it might have the edge. If not, the EX, and more the EX G3, is likely the better plug-and-play option.

Hope this helps.

Hi Paul,
Thank you so much for such an in-depth breakdown of the use of PSU/Switches/Ethernet.
I’m currently using BOTW PSU on my player(DS-3), But might move it to the S20 re-clocker.
You bring up a good point about external power supplies. I will look into doing an upgrade.
Any PSU recommendations ? are the voltages universal with Antipodes ? Maybe a good PSU that can run power for 2 pieces of gear. I’m in a holding stage for a big purchase like a S30 for now. I just bought the CX & S20, but I like to explore some external power supplies.
Many thks again PaulW for your response.

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I am happy with my PliXir Elite BDC 12A 6V LPS (dual output) and PliXir Statement DC p/c.

Here is their website.

I’m not an electrician, 5V,6V or 15V. Does that make any difference ?

Thanks for the suggestion