Squeeze Soundquality is the best

Hello. So what can I say, after listening to Roon (server/player) or Roon/Squeeze or Roon/HQPlayer for a long time, I’ve returned to Squeeze. Squeeze (server/player) simply sounds much better. You’re practically bobbing along with the music. Squeeze sounds like it’s been cleaned up. It removes the Roon veil from your eardrums. No matter what you combine Roon with, it always sounds too thick. Squeeze sounds incredibly natural and true to the original. Yes, maybe not perfect here and there, but very, very close. You listen intensely to the recording. A piano or guitar strings sound a thousand times better and more real than with Roon. Now be honest, folks. Roon has started a survey, as everyone knows, and I took part in it too. The only thing I and probably many others complained about was the sound quality. But has anything changed since then?! I would suggest that Squeeze and/or Antipodes start a survey about Squeeze. Or open a new thread for this. Everyone should vote on which player solution they use to listen. It could even be made public. Then Squeeze will see the results and what kind of followers they have. I think many will vote the sound quality as the best and the operation as the worst. Maybe there will be a Squeeze app at some point. You can donate to Squeeze, but that would require everyone or many people to take part. So if Squeeze ever wants to stop supporting it completely, we have a real problem. And I think Antipodes does too. Because many people are used to the Squeeze sound and don’t want to do without it anymore. The Squeeze app doesn’t have to offer the same Roon experience, but some filter solutions would be great. For example, all 24-bit files/albums are displayed with one click. I also still have problems creating or adding tracks to playlists. Or you create a favorites folder, but you can’t put albums in there.


may be merge your post into this?? (@MarkCole ??)