Track Duplication - iPeng

Has anyone else had this problem? I use iPeng to control my K50 running Squeeze and for some reason when i go to play an album each track is appearing twice, which is hugely frustrating and ruins albums like DSTOM.

When I look at file manager, the tracks are only showing once. I’ve tried clearing library etc in Squeeze and also deleted and reinstalled iPeng but no change. Any help would be appreciated, it’s stopping me using my K50 at the moment

Dont know if this helps, but in one application (cant remember the details) I was getting two tracks appearing even though only one in file manager.
Cause was having two “genre’s” attached to these tracks causing an instance appearing for each genre.

When you go to the Web interface launched from the AMS Dashboard do you have the same duplication?

I’ll take a look at that, not sure if iPeng is the same

I’ve checked in both Myantipodes file manager and the squeeze interface and the tracks only appear once, so the album is correct

Okie dokie, so if they appear only once in Squeeze webplayer then the issue is iPeng.

Copied this from iPeng Set-Up / Config page…

If you notice that the data in iPeng is out of sync with your server’s database, please go to iPeng Settings and press the big, red button called Flush Cache. iPeng will then re-read all cached data from the server.

Thanks Mark. Tried that but no luck. TBH I’m at the end of my tether with iPeng, it’s never been great. I’m going to boot an old Galaxy phone up as Android seems to have more options for control apps.

I can never find my K50 with either the Myantipodes web page or app btw. I’ve done all the reboot stuff but no luck. If I type in the IP address for the K50 I can get to the solution screen, and if I’m lucky sometimes the player. It never connects to the server dashboard though which is a pain as I can’t add any music.

Luckily iPeng does still see the K50 so at least I can play music, unfortunately only with the duplicates. Any help would be appreciated, I’m out of ideas and am really limited with my use of the K50 at the moment

What version of AMS are you on?
Also ensure that Apple Private Relay is turned OFF

I’m on AMSv4.4.0 and private relay is off

I had this exact issue recently when I ripped a CD that I also had saved as a favorite in the Qobuz app. I simply unchecked the “heart” simple in Qobuz and all was mostly good. The track duplication was gone, but the Qobuz icon still shows against the album title (even after re-scanning). I guess I could simply delete the FLAC file folder for the album and re-rip the CD to remove the Qobuz icon, but that seems like too much effort.

Thanks for sharing, gave it a try but no luck unfortunately. Going to try an android app today to see if that works

So just tried Squeezer on Android and exactly the same issue, so I don’t think it’s iPeng related. @MarkCole is there anything you can do to help me? I can’t connect to Myantipodes unless I type in the IP address I get from my ISP control app, but even then can’t access the server dashboard at all, it just times out.

I’ve done the full reboot of everything - router, node, switch, Mac, even iPhone and still no luck.

The support team can take a look, and update your software, book a remote support session…

Thanks Mark, I’ll get it booked