Update S30 to v5.0

Dear all, my antipodes S30 still run with AMSv4.4.0. Is there a way to Update it to v5.0., or is there no further Support.
Thanks in advance :nerd_face:

You will need to book a support session so Antipodes can install it for you.

I just got my Antipodes updated. It was version 2.7, 10 years worth of updates. Antipodes support was AMAZING. I don’t know any other company that would take the time they did, to get my CX updated with their latest software. So very impressive.
Do yourself a favour and book a support session.
All the best.


Thank you for your response I will do it :smiley:


Hi, new member here. Just updated my S30 from AMS v4.4.0 to 5.0.1. Thanks to Prince at Antipodes who was amazingly helpful!

Everything works great. Not sure if I am hearing a slight improvement in sound quality from AMS v5.0.1 - probably just placebo :slight_smile:

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Myself and a few others reported hearing this too. I don’t think it was placebo.

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A tiny bit more transparent, cleaner, smoother? That was my impression.

If I remember correctly, the upgrade seemed to further reduce the noise floor. This resulted in the benefits you described.

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Thanks for the explanation. Makes total sense.

Prince has helped me out when I had a few issues. He is really amazing. Antipodes is #1 for best support of its products.


Ok, now I’m going to have to book the V5 upgrade in.

They are indeed, and Prince is indeed. I can’t help but wonder where the Prince name came from though, and if he will be in a purple suit if ever met in person :wink:


I booked a session at Sunday (including the time shift to Europe), let‘s see whether I‘ll hear a difference (there may be a bias)

Hi I have an Oladra server with firmware version at 4.4 , how can I update the firmware to the laterest version? Thanks

See the second post in this thread.

I booked a Support Session Antipodes Audio Support Booking Form

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I’m half an hour playing music on V5 now, and that would be my experience too. Dominique Fils-Aime is sounding better than ever right now.

The S30 took quite a while for the upgrade, but faster on the S40. More than 2 hours all up and an awesome service provided by Prince and Antipodes … yet again.


I guess the S40 has more processor power than the S30, so that makes sense. Having said that, my S30 update took just over an hour.

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