The software on my K21 informs me that I have an update available.Is this link active? My machine was updated to v5.0 by the excellent support team a couple of months ago.Do I /Can I update it to 5.0.1?
If you are on AMS v5.0 and would like to move to v5.0.1 please make an appointment for remote support here:
@MarkCole I was wondering about seeing if I could sneak in an upgrade appointment to 5.1 but in Europe it seems that remote support is only available from midnight to 4am? Is this correct? Whilst I love my Oladra I love my sleep more than staying up that late.
Nick it’s 5.0 to 5.0.1.
I’ll work something out, as I also like sleep, there is a 13 hour time difference, I’ll be in touch next week.
Depending on whether the music was playing leading up to a support session, the downside with a night time am appointment for me is that I might have to enter complex Qobus/Squeeze/modem passwords after one-or-two-too-many enjoyable bevies (It’s a winter’s Friday night here, so we have a head-start)
I’d swap if I could, as my timeline involves hours of time off work for support sessions…but regardless, it’s worth it and I’m super happy when the good fellas at Antipodes sort out my issues (with playing music that is. Any bevy issues are another matter).
What;s the advantage of 5.0.1 over 5.0?
Haha…sorry, couldn’t help myself.
So the update is just a subwoofer?
?que?, watts? Is it a way to give off a second output?
Just had my update done by Prince @ antipodes audio! Many thanks for the outstanding service! Is it just my imagination or is there a slightly increased transparency ? Probably just a psychoacoustic effect but I’ll take it!
I can’t confirm this, as I have made hardware changes too lately to notice, but it certainly sounds no worse
Upon updating there are 3 things going on here, the first is the change in AMS from 5.0 to 5.0.1, and the change in squeeze server to 8.5.2, and squeezelite player to Firmware: v1.9.9-1392.
It is like Roon updates, they are hard to gauge the sound quality improvements because one cannot go back to the old version and compare.
Just some clarity to 5.01. Do I upgrade through myantipodes in 5.0? Or do we have to book a session to get it done?
I am waiting for my session , but nobody is interacting with me. That never happened to me before!
Many apologies, was running behind schedule
Thanks for your help tonight!
hi mark, rob waiting for booked session.
well ill hang in the background but i guess rebook a new session? is there a day or time preference or is this update not important
Nope, running late connecting
Thx we’re 50% through