USB and Roon Native DSD

My K22 (AMS 5.0) recognises Bricasti USB when selecting USB. However, when Native DSD is selected it converts to PCM. Could this be connected with Roon identifying the K22 as D2, or is that usual?

I should add that JPlay has no such odd behaviour - recognises K22 and plays DSD natively.

Check the device settings in Roon and make sure it’s not configured for DoP.

There’s no such option in Roon device settings, which apply to the K22. Roon chain shows conversion to PCM prior to K22 (shown as D2), but conversion is switched off in Roon…

Further trial - if I use the K22 as server only on the network, same switch as the Bricasti, I can play native DSD into Bricasti. It is the K22 Roon player that converts to PCM.

In K22 Player Dashboard: DSD Method = Native and in Roon Player Settings (gear icon) Volume Control = None (Volume 100%) If Volume Control is set to Software, DSD is converted to PCM.

Just to be sure we have the settings correct, Native DSD is set on the AMS Dashboard:

Additionally, inside Roon Settings/Audio/Roon Ready Device Setup…

Identify Device…

Select your DAC…

Please advise the out come.

Thank you all for your advice. I’m now sorted. What I needed to do was switch the K22 to server only and run the Bricasti via ethernet on the same Network Acoustics switch. I could then access the Bricasti settings from Roon, which I was otherwise unable to do. But now I find, just as Bricasti advised, that I prefer the ethernet/Server-only K22. I am thinking therefore I should p/x the K22 for a K41. Does anyone have thoughts on this? I don’t have the funds for a K50 upgrade, and in any case the Antipodes player section feels redundant. With the K41 I could connect from K41 to Bricasti directly via ethernet, which might be better yet?

A K41 will be superior in all aspects compared to a K22 run as server only.
If you had the funds for a K41 to add to the K22, then you would have a two box K50, killer :slight_smile:

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Ah yes, but I can’t go there (and the real estate too…) Also I didn’t find any significant deterioration in SQ running K22 as server only, perhaps because my Tempus switch is performing some of the reclocking the K22 player would be performing.

What about streamer only? I have demoed Oladra streaming only I don’t have much local files, I’m streaming 99% of the time. So the Oladra sounds excellent after demoing it for some time. I’m trying to get that same sound quality with I don’t know K22 perhaps or K50? You tell me. And also I know the chassis are different for the K22 and Oladra, what about the electronics just for streaming? Is it possible to retain the sound quality of the Oladra for streaming only in the K22 or K50? If not how far are they from Oladra? Thanks in advance

Please do not underestimate the benefit of a server for streaming, it is probably more important when streaming than local.

The OLADRA is the best Antipodes Audio device we make from a sound quality perspective.
A K50 may be around 80% of that of an OLADRA and a K21/22 is nowhere near the sonic performance of an OLADRA.

The K21/K22 are still great devices, but it is hard to compare with an OLADRA or K50 as they are totally different designs.

End of the day it comes down to your ears, room, source material, and associated equipment, find what best suits your needs and ears.

I’ll be doing a comparison between K41 and K41+K22 in my system, thanks to my tolerant dealer. The only way to know!


OK, I succumbed and have added the K41 at detriment to my liquidity. There’s a solidity/richness to the sound which is irresistible. Just one mystery yet to be cleared up, remaining from K22 solo. USB is fine when using Roon and JPlay, but with Squeeze/Roon and Squeeze, shows DAC/track as playing but no sound. Applies to PCM as well as DSD. Restarting the K22/K41 and the switch etc. doesn’t help. USB cable is Network Acoustics. Am I missing something obvious in Squeeze settings?

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Wild guess: make sure that the plugin C-3PO isn’t enabled. You can find the plugins under Server settings.

Also just for kicks, have Squeeze do a rescan of your library with the clear and rescan everything option selected.

Thank you for the suggestions. Alas, no dice… I’ll set this up as a separate thread now.