AMSv4.4 Released


AMS4.4 was eleased 4pm 15 June 2023 NZ time (UTC+13Hrs)

Release Highlights

  • C3PO Bug Fix
  • SPOTTY Bug Fix
  • New Update Interface


C3PO plugin provides upsampling and transcoding capability in Squeeze. We have worked with the plugin author to update it to work with the current version of Squeeze.

To access the settings for C3PO, you need to access both Server settings and Player settings:

  • Open Library Settings, click on the dropdown to select C3PO Transcoding Helper
  • Open Additional Player Settings/Extra Settings and click on the dropdown to select C3PO Transcoding Helper


SPOTTY plugin provides Spotify Connect functionality in Squeeze. We have also updated this plugin to work with the current version of Squeeze.


AMSv4.4 includes installing new code on your Antipodes to improve the user experience for future updates. This code is also necessary for a planned large update, available in the near future, that will replace the existing software platform. This re-platforming is a necessary pre-cursor to be able to deliver a range of exciting developments that we have underway.

  • New Update Interface – In preparation for AMS5.0 we have a new update interface, once update is initiated, there is nothing to do, the Antipodes will Automatically Reboot.


C-3P0 – Transcoding Helper – Currently available for AIFF / ALAC / FLAC / WAV

Server Setting – Inside Squeeze – Library / Basic Settings Dropdown – select C-3P0 Transcoding Helper – select or de-select to enable/dis-able for the Player

Player Setting – Inside Squeeze – Additional Player Settings / Extra Settings / Basic Settings Dropdown - select C-3P0 Transcoding Helper

C-3P0 - DSD Transcoding is still a work in progress

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Spotify now available in Squeeze – In Squeeze go to Settings / Library / Basic Settings Dropdown – select Spotty Spotify for Squeezebox – Follow on screen instructions.


AMSv4.4 includes installing new code on your Antipodes to improve the user experience for future updates. This code is also necessary for a planned large update, available in the near future, that will replace the existing software platform. This re-platforming is a necessary pre-cursor to be able to deliver a range of exciting developments that we have underway.

You need this code for the next update, please ensure you move to v4.4.0

If you are still on a lower version of AMS and are having trouble updating or are procrastinating, please get in touch with support and book a Remote Session…we want all users to get the next exciting update.

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Wow! I am looking forward to giving this a try.

@MarkCole : Is the update sequence for a two computer device such as an Oladra, K50, or K30 the same as when previously updating to AMSv4.3?

Good point… thanx for asking @Chilli

For a two-computer device, such as an OLADRA, K50, or K30, CX+EX combo, S40+S30 combo, update the server first and only update the player after the server has updated, and then do a physical reboot via the front button only after both have been updated.

  • New Update Interface – In preparation for AMS5.0 we have a new update interface, once update is initiated, there is nothing to do, the Antipodes will Automatically Reboot.

On a single computer you can now do a physical reboot via front button, once the Dashboard is available.

On a two computer device, it will only reboot the board being updated, so after the server has rebooted automatically and is available in the Dashboard you are good to go on the player update.
Once completed and automatically rebooted and available in the Dashboard, do a physical reboot via the front button.

Hope that makes sense :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

@MarkCole : Thank you, I assumed that would be the case, but better to be safe than sorry. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi @MarkCole ,

I’ve updated my K50’s Server. Upon completion, I was greeted with a message to “wait until unit had rebooted”. I assume an auto-reboot is now worked into the update process (confirmation of this would be helpful to other forum posters).

Note, updating the Server Dashboard took several attempts before AMS4.4 was actually available. I was initially met with the message “…already running AMS4.31” and could not progress further. Other users may need to be a little patient between stages.


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As per my posts above…

If moving from earlier versions than v4.3.1 you will need to wait 7-10 minutes for the next update to become available.


Ah, I completely missed that note! Apologies

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Is Hq player updated in this release?

This release updates the 3 things noted…

C-3P0 in Squeeze.
Spotify in Squeeze.
New update interface code.

As previously mentioned in the HQPlayer 5 thread, we are guided by the OS support offered by Signalyst.

Furthermore, any advances to HQPlayer will not be implemented until after the release of AMSv5.

Antipodes is working hard on our software stack, the update code in this release is the beginning.


Excited to learn more about what’s to come! I think I recall a comment from Antipodes a while back, somewhere on this forum, regarding benefits to sound quality that may be in the works (via software)… Am I mistaken @MarkCole or is that actually on the radar…?

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Hi Mark, updated amsv4.4 for my oladra upgraded cx and ex stack and all’s not well …

Solution shows cx as player often in addition to being the sever and restart of ex may have it detected as player with all looking fine but it still shows “no player” under solution’s play option i.e. no playback control … quite confusing as I do not know which events lead to what outcome but I do power up cx 1st and then ex thereafter as usual in the last 2 yrs +

Strangely, Squeezer app does detected ex as player with playback control.

Screenshots attached for your understanding and help.


PS: I reboot several time to no avail … also used rear off buttons, removed powercords, pressed/held down front on/off button etc.

Hi Mark, scan with Antipodes app shows up both cx and ex as server and player which I cannot remember if it the case before amsv4.4 update … also not sure what I need to configure or missed to configure to have cx as server and ex as reader since I had not experienced this before. Cheers.

Hi Mark,

Quite sure there is bug in this amsv4.4 update now for cx and ex stack especially since Squeezer android does show ex player with playback control unlike MyAntipodes app …

Solution page on MyAntipodes looks fine with ex player and cx server and noticed IP is 107 which is the ex player.

Hit play and IP is now 74 for cx server and not surprised then that material gui shows up no reader ?

Hope this helps and cheers.

Try choosing Roon presets after first complete start / restart. Then choose squeeze or Roon with squeeze player as you like. This order works for me since a few updates ago. Slight workaround.

If this works you can choose to quit Roon server if you prefer an all squeeze solution.

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There is no bug, updates 2x plugins on Squeeze and add’s update code.

For the CX to act as server only, the Player App has to be set to None… and saved as a pre-set such as" Server Only"

It looks like you have the EX set correctly as CX as source.
Once Squeezelite is dis-abled in the CX you will be good to go.
You can re-start each from the respective dashboards.
Also in the Player Dashboard you can allocate Squeezelite to use IP rather than host, which is preferred, see below…

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Hey Mark,

Thanks !

Out now and will follow provided instruction to try when back home later in the day and report back.

My apology for being presumuous … main reason being that Squeezer app has no issue that obviously works differently and previous successful ams updates that I did not need to configure any parameter(s).

Apology in advance and cheers.

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