AMSV5.0 squeeze bugs

Just for clarity, on my PC, the bottom left ‘Menu’ shows the art, just not the ‘Playing’, ‘Queue’ or ‘Info’ tabs.

Any news here? I still have the problem on my Oladra AMS V5.0 under Squeeze/Squeeze that individual tracks stop about 10 seconds before the end and skip to the next track. 4 months (!!!) have passed and I am enjoying the fancy isolation feet of my 30,000 Euro Oladra, but I cannot hear a song to the end. :sleepy:

Book a support session, why wait 3 months when we can fix it immediately

For months, some people here have had the problem that the last 8 seconds of some tracks are skipped. Now I’m being advised to simply book a remote session. Last night I had a remote session: “… We’ve never seen or heard of this problem before. We need to look for a fix.” Should I laugh or cry, I don’t know? :rofl: :sob:

Currently there is only one person, and that’s one person too many.

@erolo is it just AIFF tracks that skip with you, or others formats as well? check the link below.

And it has been a few days, has the issue been resolved?

I may have mistakenly assumed Antipodes was aware of the issue, but I never directly reported it to mothership. I suppose had I booked a session they would have been aware, but as my AIFF track supply is very low it is not that big of a concern for me.

Have your people look at this thread also @MarkCole

Squeeze playback problem

I have this problem too. Happened with the software upgrade. No problem observed with other formats.

Also, the EX dashboard defaulted back to “Analog Out” most of the time. It’s really frustrating having to correct this back to “USB out” every time I turn on the system.

It is normal to re-instate the Dashboard settings after re-starting or turning on.
If you do not use Analog, it can be removed from the startup menu, a booking for remote support would need to be booked to remove this.

The problem is not solved yet. Antipodes is in contact with my distributor and I have been using a roon account since then without any problems. The albums affected were CBR WAVE 16 bit 44.1 khz. But there were also albums in the same format that did not show any skipping. The “problem albums” played under Squeeze for 3.5 years without any problems and now play correctly under roon and Minimserver. So I don’t think the files are faulty. I couldn’t check all 2000 albums because Squeeze only worked partially. I tap on the artist, the loading circle spins and nothing happens. I have to close Materiel Skin and reopen it. Then I tap on the album, the loading circle spins and I have to close Materiel Skin…
After 6 of my favorite albums were affected, I lost the desire to research further. That’s not my job. Since then I’ve been using my dealer’s Roon account, although that doesn’t solve the problem either. I sent a track of a “problem file” to my dealer and I still dream that there is a solution.

@erolo I hear your frustration. I admit, I have been using Roon lately as I find as some other posts have pointed out it sounds much closer in sound quality (build 1413) and the user interface is light years better. I don’t have so much as issue playing tracks, my biggest issue with squeeze is finding the tracks I want to listen to. I must have spent 20 minutes trying to locate Kind of Blue mono version.

Like you, and most audiophiles I assume, I would rather spend time listening to my music than @%$^'ing around with software. Isn’t that the point of spending big bucks with a server/player?

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If users are bothered by a particular issue, it’s never a bad idea to alert the mothership and ensure that they have acknowledged your issue. This forum is where we can receive assistance from other users and while Antipodes does seem to monitor things, it’s easy for things to get missed.

I have alerted the mothership by sending a PM to @MarkCole on here or by sending a mail to The responsiveness has been excellent.

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Agreed. I did alert Mark a few posts ago. In the other thread linked above as well, but yes if I got 412 links a day I would miss a few as well :slight_smile: Per my post at the start of this thread back in February:

I am still not sure about this whole Antipodes/squeeze relationship. You have as much information and answers and have been as helpful as anyone here Ken, so thank you first of all. But if you could give me a little background- correct me if I am wrong, but Squeeze is (or was) a third party app from Logitech, but Antipodes now has control over it, or created their version of it, and they are further developing it, for us Antipodes users? Is this correct?
So going forward anything not working with squeeze should be forwarded to Antipodes directly? Or are these frequent updates still coming from squeeze developers?

As I understand it, LMS (Squeeze Server) and Squeezelite (Squeeze Player) are still third party applications. They are both open source products, which means that anyone can contribute to the development of these products, but any enhancements that are made must be shared back with the community.

To the best of my knowledge, Antipodes does not have any control over either of these two apps nor do they have any control over any of the third party apps. They can choose only which of these they install as far as which repro they pull from. They can make changes to the source code for those products under an open source license but I believe those changes have to be merged back in so that everyone gets them.

What Antipodes does control over though is the installation and updates of these apps (exception: Roon updates are controlled by Roon).

There is one other component I should mention and that the Squeeze Material plugin. With AMS 4, Antipodes had made some edits to this so it would appear a certain way on Antipodes devices (blue background). With AMS 5, it appears to be that it was reverted back though it could still be that there are some additional skin options provided by Antipodes. But this doesn’t mean they control the UI for Squeeze. A skin only allows the existing functionality to be visually displayed in a certain way. It’s akin to formatting a Word doc.

I get how all this can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be as long as folks keep in mind that Antipodes has yet to deliver their own first party app. They are currently building one, I believe.


Yep, what KennyB said.

Issues with codec support go back a long time in the Squeeze ecosystem.
We don’t experience issues in our testing environment, and the majority of users don’t either, so tracking down the bug is not easy.
We are working on every aspect of our software stack - tirelessly

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Ditto on search, no issues here, and the majority of users…

If your meta data isn’t up to snuff then it won’t matter how good the search is, and Im not saying that’s the issue, just something to be aware of.

You can navigate via Folder view for precise browsing…

Squeeze offer additional browse modes, to find these, go to Interface

Squeeze interface

Great, thanks Ken.

You have my vote for moderator of the forum :slight_smile:

When posting a bug, can we have the following information…

1/ The issue - what happens or doesn’t, and what you expect to happen etc.

2/ Squeeze Version - found in the Information tab… both server and squeezelite versions…

3/ Your AMS version found in the Antipodes Dashboard

4/ Your Antipodes device eg: OLADRA, K50 CX, EX etc…

Everyone will be getting Squeeze server v8.5.2 and Squeezelite 1.9.9-1392 soon.
I believe the majority of issues will be gone with this version.


Ok well, to answer my question from February, with future squeeze issues I post here in the forum and tag you?

Or do I book a support session?

I am on 8.3.1, and I see you are showing a 8.5.2 version:

Should I be on that one? If so how do I update?
edit: I see you already answered the last part before I finished this post :slight_smile: