AMSV5.0 squeeze bugs

Thanks Ken. I am not sure how I missed that. Much appreciated. Another roon feature covered. I see it also works within my virtual libraries.

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It seems like I am the only one who doesn’t primarily listen through the libraries/files, and just searches Qobuz for everything on the fly?

@MarkCole When I mentioned search above I meant searching Qobuz for music, not my storage.

This is how I always did it with Roon before this Antipodes, but it was easier than squeeze; maybe that is why many use their libraries more with Antipodes? Perhaps I should get into the habit of adding albums into storage, but I don’t see a way to add a Qobuz album in any library, just add individual tracks into a playlist. In Roon one can easily add the album to the library or playlist, but I never saw the need, as it was so easy to just bring up what I wanted to listen to via Qobuz.

Anyone else simply stream all of the listening instead of using storage?

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You can get started by enabling this plugin:

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It’s already enabled.

On my home OLADRA v8.3.1
I use Qobuz…

All plugins such as Tidal, Qobuz etc are 3rd party plugins Antipodes has no control over how they work.
Adding to faves and playlists can speed up things also.

This search pretty much mirrors what happens in the Qobuz app…

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Mark, what Player are you using to get that screen / those screens?

Those are screenshots from my phone, after launching Squeeze from the AMS Dashboard.
Squeeze server v8.3.1

Theme is Kanta-Alt

To get Tidal and Qobuz or any App for that matter, Click on the 3 dots of the App to Pin to Homescreen

To change from Icons to Text click the Toggle View

Great, thanks.
They look good, I’ll try Squeeze again :slight_smile:

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thanks for your input, but that is not the album I want-that one sounds like turd. It is the hi res 24/192 mono version from Columbia I was searching for. See how much longer it takes to find this one :slight_smile: (and see how much better it sounds)

You see how in the title it doesn’t even say mono, but it does on each song? Weird.
Not antipodes fault, but in squeeze one searches Miles Davis, albums, and scrolls down to “kind of blue” and seeing 4 versions of it, and clicking on each one to see if it is the one you want, and guess what- this mono version isn’t there. It is so much more friendly the way Roon has it: just one album listed and then click on a button to see all the versions of it.

Screen Shot 2024-06-20 at 5.17.13 PM

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Sure, needs to be fedback to Qobuz on their search facilities. Other Miles Davis Albums have Mono in the title and are easily searchable.
Or switch to Roon, that’s what you pay the dollars for, the difference in paid and free.
Or use Roon with Squeeze for the best of both worlds :slight_smile:
This isn’t a bug, it is the core functionality of Qobuz.

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Hi Ken. Question… in the mobile version (iphone) the albums are listed with most recent last. On the desktop or ipad it is the correct order for me with most recent first. Do you know how to modify this?

Not sure I do. I believe all settings are stored locally, so clearing your cache should set it back to default.

Reentering the url fixed it. Thanks again!

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In keeping with my preference for only one server on my K30, I have moved roon to another computer and dedicated squeeze to it. All my roon endpoints have been modified so they accept either squeeze or roon without intervention. This is done through the use of ropieee. Only the EX is permanently squeeze. My next challenge will be tidal and qobuz playlists integration. If squeeze search was quite a bit faster the transition would be complete.

Remind me again of the reason why you did this. Were you hearing a degradation with more than one server app running?

I think I hear a small uptick with only one server running. I like to place the server I am using most on the Antipodes of course. At present that is Squeeze. There is one feature of roon that I miss and that is the alarm extension. This allows programming of end points to automatically play what you like at your preferred time.

Kenny, I haven’t pinned this to “Home” since it’s been easy enough for me to simply go to the “New Music” category in the main menu. I’ve found a good system that works well for me since I’m a lifer with Roon: each Friday morning when Qobuz releases new albums, I switch to the Roon server app and find whatever content interests me and save it as a favorite. It’s a much more efficient way for me to browse new content and get so much metadata that is lacking within Squeeze. Once I’m satisfied, I’ve explored all new content. I switch back to squeeze for the week.


watts…like you, I’m just a streaming guy using Tidal. Although I love.the sound of Antipodes so far, the squeeze learning experience has been less than fun. I just came from Innuos Sense – while the Sense app is not perfect, it was intuitive and easy to use.

The preponderance of my music are songs, not albums. I just can’t seem to sort by artist or by date added. Not sure where to go from here.

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Sort by Artist Tidal

Date added is a feature request.

If you are having issues, book a remote support session

My “Artists” folder shows empty.