AMSV5.0 squeeze bugs

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Rescanned – nothing. Session booked. Thanks

I had my last remote session 10 weeks ago because the last 10 seconds of some tracks were cut off on my Oladra under Squeeze. Unfortunately, the problem could not be solved. Unfortunately, I have not heard anything from Antipodes since then. To ease my frustration, my dealer gave me his Roon account. Everything works well, but I often wish I could have the sound quality of Squeeze back. Is there any news, can I still hope or should I write off Squeeze?

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@erolo Are you finding squeeze is sounding better for you, in the first 90% of the songs at least? (Sorry :blush: )

For what it’s worth, on my last A/B between Roon and Squeeze (after Roon build 1442) I found very little in it, definitely much less than what I noticed previously, but I have had some cable and component changes since then also. So currently, at least in my case, there is no loss in not using Squeeze, yet much to gain in the form of better user interface using Roon. Others have reported similar findings. I am streaming Qobuz 95% of the time, not using storage. Maybe I will focus on a few tracks I have on flac files and try comparing again.

So I finally decided to book a support session, and Prince (Antipodes) figured out how to stop the AIFF files from skipping the last 6-10 seconds at the end of the track - by disabling it.

I forgot to ask what format it is being converted to: FLAC ? I don’t understand this table,
and the squeezelite player still shows the file playing as AIF, but it works :slightly_smiling_face:

I can’t understand it either, but I think it has something to do with the server converting it for the player. When disable, it just sends it straight over to the player.