Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

Hi Kenny,
Thanks for the quick response.

Since I use HQplayer only as a passtrough I think I will postpone the HQplayer upgrade given the cost.


I previously had Tidal integrated into my AMSv4, so in AMSv5 I can’t access the album in my Squeeze to Squeeze setup as you suggested unless I switch to Qobuz (I am on Tidal Family with 4 more, so changing is a little complicated).


Your Qobuz experience starts now, paulw. :boom:

You can now fully enjoy Qobuz. Cancel for free at any time.Your account will not be debited before 3/13/24

Perhaps it’s better to listen to my own version from SSD. Is that how you listen to it, or do you stream?

Edit: :grinning: What SSD @NickBacon ? You are not using the Antipodes recommended Samsung PM893 if my memory is correct? Slightly OT but related to how you hear your music nevertheless; I’ve been experiencing too much improvement with certain types SSD and also RAM and the best power for it to ignore. The former ‘impression’ is shared by Antipodes but regarding RAM not that much it seems. I understand that these improvements can be system-dependent and may not be universally applicable.

Hi Mark, Unfortunately, I have also just installed the server update. Consequence: No more access to the dashboard. Error message “Failed to connect to Ip-Adress port 80 after 3110ms. No route to host Please reboot and reopen.” I have rebooted and reopened the K50, router and iPad several times - no success. What can I do? Greetings from Hamburg, Germany

@Netbert please book a support session

A beautiful upgrade - dynamics and noise floor nicely improved. Many thanks!


Paul, I use the Samsung 860 EVO SSD in my Oladra. These are what I first installed when I had the K50 and I just moved them over to the Oladra when I upgraded to that. For sure there is a temptation to go to the PM893 but that is on the ‘one day’ list of things to do.

On the matter of listening via Qobuz or files from the SSD I have a small but noticeable preference for the sound from the SSD and so tend not to use Qobuz apart from when my (adult) children come to stay. Then I log into my Qobuz account, fire up Roon and hand the iPad to them so they can find and listen to whatever they want!

There have been some anecdotes in regards to sound quality improvements with AMSv5, and at least one report of communication with Antipodes staff confirming this, but here is some wordage on the revised Antipodes website (Support>Articles) which alludes to the fact there are some sonic improvements along with AMSv5, and confirms more sound quality improvements are coming :slight_smile:

An Antipodes App

Historically we have preferred not to provide an Antipodes playback app, and instead to support the best of the available apps created and maintained by dedicated software companies. We had two simple reasons for this.

  • Many users prefer a particular playback app that they are already used to, and in most cases we can make it available on our hardware.
  • Several popular playback apps are mature, well designed and developed, so the most meaningful way that we can improve them is to make them sound better.

So our focus has been on integrating the best available third-party playback apps with our operating system and audio processing stack, and providing a simple user interface so that customers can easily select the playback app they prefer to use.

In 2020 we delivered a new management interface, AMS. AMS has progressively been improved, and it is now widely considered to be the leading management interface in the industry.

In 2023 we began to build a completely new software stack to support the future development of AMS. AMSv5, released in February 2024 is accompanied by a new operating system and more efficient back-end functionality. These developments improve the performance of AMS and all third-party playback apps. Later this year we will implement re-built back-end functionality, and that will improve responsiveness and sound quality further.

At the same time as the release of AMSv5, we released Android and iOS apps to complete the ‘My Antipodes’ network discovery function. Opening the app on your phone or tablet lists the Antipodes devices on your network, and clicking on one opens the AMSv5 interface for that device. During the rest of 2024, we will tightly integrate these apps with AMS and the playback apps, so that users enjoy a seamless experience.

The next stage of development will tightly integrate the My Antipodes apps with AMS and with the third-party playback apps. Users will then enjoy a seamless experience with any playback method they decide to use.


I’ve disabled C3P0 in the server and player but PGGB still won’t play, anyone any other thoughts on what else I could try?

It should just work. What do you see when you push play? Does the progress bar move but no sound?

Yes , progress bar moves and there is a low level warbling sound from the speakers,

Can you see if they play in another app, like MPD, Roon or HQPlayer? Then flip back over to Squeeze and see if they play. If the DAC and player get out of sync this should get restore it. If Squeeze doesn’t play them after doing this, you might need a support call to have Squeeze reinstalled.

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After the support session I am „up and running“ - many thanks to @MarkCole :+1:

atb, Tom


It works with Roon and HQP whilst with Roon and Squeeze it plays, but Roon is downsampling to 192KHz. There is a device setting in Roon which sets the max sample rate, but 192kHz is the highest that can be chosen.

In Squeeze I thought I had sussed it as although I had deactivated in the player and the server, when I looked via the Plugin menu, it was still checked. I unchecked it and saved settings but I still only get the low level warbling. I only have a few PGGB files from a trial, so no biggie, but would like to solve it at some point. Cheers

It appears that your DAC is reporting that the max rate it supports is 192k. How are you connecting to it? AES?

If USB or I2S, consider restarting both your DAC and server. Make sure that the DAC is fully powered up before you start the server.

I use USB, tried the reboots, still the same.

Support call as something appears to be off with respect to how your DAC is being recognized. Remind me again - which DAC and which USB cable?

Its a TT2 with Mscaler using a USB CAD II cable. It was all working before the upgrade with C3P0 enabled. And it works with HQP so I can use that in trial mode if i need to play PGGB, which is not a significant source file for me. This is more of a technical challenge I’d like to resolve rather than a must. I’m also demoing a new DAC next week so will try it with that… thanks…

I suspect a reinstall of AMS will resolve this. No way that Roon should be limiting this to 192K.

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I was lucky with no hiccups on update. AMS5 on my Oladra delivers an immediate uptick with an even wider soundstage, better articulation and noise floor. I was not expecting anything but here you go. For those having issues, your patience will be rewarded!


After the successful update to AMSv5, I first compared a few things last night and then listened to them …

For a long time, I have used „Roon-Server with Squeeze“, since 2 month I switched to HQPlayer 5 with a temporary license for version 4.
With AMSv5 I have to use HQPlayr 5, of course.

First of all:
It now sounds noticeably better than before.
Whether this is due to the new AMSv5, HQPlayer 5 or both cannot be determined.

And there is no longer any reason to use Roon (apart from the ease of use).

A pure HQPlayer setup on the K50 sounds better than “Roon server with HQPlayer”.
I would put the latter at 95% (compared to “Roon server with squeeze player” at 85%).

With the HQPD4-APP you are at 98% in the HQPlayer setup, the Signalyst own HQPlayer5-APP then comes to 100%, so it sounds slightly more coherent than the 4-APP (sounds a bit “harsher” in the high frequencies).

And the 5 version now also offers Qobuz streaming directly in the app.
Then I also noticed that my favorite station “Radio Paradise” can also be played via the HQPlayer web interface or as a playlist directly in the app - that’s all I need now.

Well done, Antipodes!

atb, Tom

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