Antipodes Audio AMSv5 Release Information

My K50 updated the player but I can’t update the server. No remote session until Sunday. So much for the Super Bowl party. It shouldn’t be this difficult.

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Power off, reboot
The device has timed out on connection to a repository

By not being able to update the server what do you mean exactly please.
Can you explain in a little more detail.

I have tried rebooting both the router and the k50. My problem seems similar to Tony in Georgia’s. When I try to update the sever from my antipodes it times out.

I must have tried to update the server to quick after updating the player. The new app doesn’t find my k50. The only way I can see it is through my antipodes. It shows the server but won’t do the update. It takes about 2 minutes for the dashboard to come up and by then it appears to be timed out.

Thanks for rapid response.

Powered off and rebooted. Only CX showing in the Setup screen, but EX showing under ‘’, accessible via '‘Manage’, and displays the new software screens.

So update appears to have completed.

I powered down my K50, left it off for 15 minutes and then rebooted. Still the same result. Tried to update the server but the page will not load due to no response. Roon was still working until this latest power cycle. Now Roon cannot find the squeeze player.

I thought I might add some explanation as to why some are having problems with v5 updates. The update pulls new Linux operating system components from official repositories, as well as new playback apps from official repositories. This is standard and the only way to do it, really. But connecting to the repositories requires some negotiation and if your end provides its responses too slowly then you will be timed out, you won’t connect, and you won’t get the download.

This has nothing to do with the speed of your internet connection, and the problem is typically caused by the poor provisioning of the DNS server your router is set to use.

A DNS server is an electronic ‘phone book’ for the internet. Ask it to connect to Ebay, it looks up the IP address of Ebay and then directs your traffic to the IP address. A good one will do this faster than a poorly configured one, or one that is over-loaded/under-provisioned. The best solution is to change the DNS server your router uses, to a properly provisioned DNS server. This is simple to do and we can help you if you can enable us to log into your router. But some draconian ISPs will not allow this and they lock you to their DNS server so that they can control your services, and we cannot do much about that.

I won’t bore you with the technicalities any further, except to say that each situation may have its own unique challenges, so please let our normal support process resolve this for you. If we can resolve your slow ping times permanently, we will. These problems do not occur when your network design is clean and your ISP provides a decent DNS service.

In some cases, your network design or your choice of ISP may prevent us from being able to resolve it for you, so if you want to eliminate this type of problem you should consider the advice we offer you during the support session.


Is it not strange it had no problem updating the player but the server won’t update due to my poorly configured DNS?

Hi Tony! That’s very similar to the problem I experienced. Somehow the dashboard references the address which does not exist in my network (my space is 192.168.0.x). @MarkCole - maybe something leftover from the antipodes dev/testing environment?

Thank you for the detailed explanation and offer to help with the configuration - very much appreciated! (Even though too late for me)

It resonates with my case - I’ve been experiencing slower than normal connectivity/ping times during the recent rain storm in California. However I had not expected this to result in a disastrous outcome.

Is there any way for us users to download a clean disk image from antipodes and load it onto the server/player drives ourselves? It would be great to save the effort of shipping the device and being without a streamer for an extended period of time

No it is not strange, one of the bigger problem areas is people being timed out from installing Roon Server, plus whether you are timed out or not is somewhat random depending on congestion of the DNS server at the time you make the request to connect.

So is it best to do this sort of thing late at night? Might it update if I keep trying?

If it is late enough, then probably yes. If we can reset your DNS server to say the Google DNS servers (which are excellent) then that should permanently fix your problem.

It is hard providing a time-sensitive service for consumers. In a business you tend to install your own DNS server in your network and that dramatically improves ping times. But using the best on the internet is going to be good enough.

That does not solve the problem for those of you with ISPs that lock-down their routers.

Same problem here. Same error pattern. I’m not getting anywhere. K50. The app finds nothing. MyAntipodes doesn’t find anything either. I am referred to the known new IP address, after which nothing happens.

Paul, I have TWO EtherREGEN units - one for my K41 server and another for my K22 player. I’ve had a series of connectivity issues with one of the two eR’s so for the moment I have a Supra cable feeding the server from the “reliable “ eR and then connecting it to the player via the Antiposes supplied CAT6 cable and sounds great.

Had both a DH Labs and Synergistic cable out of the B side of the “problematic “ eR and both failed to communicate to the server. I think the issue may be that those cables are simply too stiff and couldn’t make a “solid connection.” I’m having a high end cable being made by sn artisan manufacturer who is orientating the cable properly so I (hopefully) can get fiber to each device. So fingers crossed. If not, I’ll replace the Supra cable with what I believe sb a nice upgrade. So……

As I conclude this post the player is updating nicely (67% complete after less than 20 minutes) and that’s leaving the eR in the chain. Just too much work to get into a small space and mess around with disconnecting and reconnecting cables from switches!

Looking forward to what appears to be a great upgrade.

Hi @DesertRat66 It seems like the update is progressing smoothly; you might even make some people jealous with how well it’s going. In my situation, temporarily removing a eR appeared to initiate the update process for a S30 that was previously unable to go in update mode. However, networking involves numerous variables, and it’s possible that the temporary disconnection triggered renegotiation with a (DNS?) server, and bandwidth might not have been the root issue.

Regarding the eR issue, please send me a private message. It’s a bit off-topic here, but I’d be happy to brainstorm with you about it. At first sight it seems to me just one eR placed between player and server could help lift SQ. One in the a-side and one in the b-side. You already have such great servers combo, I am curious to what degree an eR can make a differene.
But an eR shouldn’t be “problematic” at all.

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Hi @PaulW ; Well, not my intention to make anyone jealous! Dumb luck I guess. Haha. Upgrade process was entirely seamless without a hitch. I’m finding a few glitches in Squeeze playback but nothing that can’t be sorted out. Initially as I reported I experienced tracks on one album skipping but since moving on to other albums all good so far.

As regards eR, sure, I’d welcome any suggestions though I’m pretty sure by now I suspect the source of the issue. I’m fairly new to the Discussion board here so not quite sure how to initiate a PM, but if you dint mind sending me a message I’ll be able to figure out hiw to reply. :pray:t2::wink:

Just click on his handle “PaulW” in his message

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I am thrilled and delighted to point out that Squeeze no longer needs C-3PO to play PCM at higher rates. This was what was alluded to as “Improved PGGB support” in Mark’s announcement at the top of this thread. It’s not just PGGB that benefits though, Squeeze can now play DSD256 and DSD512, but maybe not on all Antipodes models. A huge thanks to @MarkCole and the rest of the Antipodes team for making this possible.

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