Elite Audio range

Hi, anyone in the UK noticed Elite Audio don’t seem to have Antipodes on the website anymore? Maybe temporary or could be they no longer range. Any info out there? Cheers

Looks like they lost the franchise

They were replaced some months ago now with an inbox on the other side of the planet.


Emotion Audio

I’m very glad that I haven’t dropped £30k on an Oladra.

Hi @MarkCole

Any info from Antipodes on the dealer situation in the UK ? Thanks

Elite Audio have been fantastic partners with Antipodes Audio over the years, great team and great support.
Antipodes Audio has made a decision to move in a different direction with our distribution model for the UK.
A new distribution partner will be announced in the coming months.

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Emotion Audio is the sales arm of Antipodes Audio.
Antipodes Audio has a service provider in the UK, all customers are fully supported with remote support as per normal.
Emotion Audio/ Antipodes Audio is your point of contact until we name our new distribution partners.

@MarkCole I look forward to news of your new distribution partners in the UK when this is available. There are some aspects of what a UK dealer does that cannot be replicated by a direct sales model from NZ so hopefully you already have some plans to sort this.

Disappointing news as Elite Audio provided fantastic service to customers. They have helped me personally to optimise my streaming and provided a great upgrade path!

Will await with interest what Antipodes do, as dealer support is really important to me and I am sure many others.

Going to be pretty hard to audition the next version of Oladra through Emotion Audio audition sites?!

As previously mentioned… until we name our NEW distribution partners

Also as mentioned, Elite has been a fantastic partner with Antipodes over the years, we have a new strategy for distribution for the UK.

Please can I make a plea for that to be a physical presence in the uk with a bricks and mortar dealer showroom(s).

I would not have gone down the Antipodes path if it had not been for Elite and I suspect many others are the same.

Wondering how the new strategy shapes up?
The old strategy is going to be very hard to beat…


Have to agree. A physical presence is essential when spending the sort of money for a K50 or Oladra. Rob

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Looks like EliteAudio are now selling Antipodes product again

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