Decided to try some isolation products from a British Company Called Stack Audio having seen a number of very positive reviews. Have tried Stillpoints along with Franc Fat Foots a few years ago with minimal effect albeit my entire system has gone up significantly since. Initially added to my K50 server & Ideon DAC with surprising benefits especially in terms of openness & sound stage. Just added the AUVA 100’s under my Avalon speakers and has completely transformed my systems sound which at this level I was not expecting. When you consider the cost when compared to the other 2 well known brands I personally feel they are must for anyone seeking natural organic sound . Just wondered what other people’s experiences are with isolation products


Did you remove the K50 original feet before fitting the Stacks:

Just portioned the EQ’S close to the existing feet which is advised by Stack, very surprised just how much better my system sound’s especially since adding the AUVA 100 which are really special considering the price difference compared to Stillpoints which are insane, I do have a set of Ultra 2 V2 arriving this week but at 3X the price simply doesn’t make sense .

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I did use the Arya RevoPods underneath the K50 G1. More silence and space.
Now under the K50 G4 the difference is less. But you can hear the same ( for me positive) changes.
It is not night and day…
Regards Robert

I would prefer a solution where the original feet are removed and replaced by the new feet.
Is that even possible?

I got a set of Stack Audio EQs for a trial, I placed them under the feet on my K50 G4, the improvement was enormous and I haven’t bothered to try the EQs directly on the chassis as yet, I will eventually to compare.
I have fitted EQs to my entire system, a huge improvement and my system is way more enjoyable.

I don’t know how to remove the feet. But wait and try later.
The Revopods underneath the Contrivas are mindblowing, bas mid and placing…in my room.
My friend’s Avalon Opus did also benefit from these Revopods but in a lesser degree.

Hi Robert, Just wondered your thoughts on the upgrade of your K50, I have the 2nd which since moving from Roon to Squeeze along with the Stack Audio products sounds sublime.

Hi Martin, did write this in early august:

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I’m running Roon-Server — Squeeze-Player via AES via a Denafrips Terminator Plus with soft/firmware update.

I didn’t have what I regard as much success with the RevoPods elsewhere in my system including under my K50, but like yourself, underneath my loudspeakers (MBL 116F’s) the results are absolutely incredible & far superior to anything else I’d previously tried. I’ve had them a few years now & never been even slightly tempted to try further alternatives

Do the Antipodes feet just unscrew from the outside or do you need to get inside the unit?

I have recently added the stack isolators to my DAC and Oladra and was so impressed with the result acquired them for speakers, amps, power conditioners, and network switch. Incredible how they get the gear to sound their best.

Can you send a picture with these Stack Isolation EQ Feet?


I am currently testing the absorbers of the brand ‘bfly’ (Germany), here the ‘Pure’ series. Already exciting. Mr. Schäffer’s brand develops exciting products.

Best regards
