Tidal FLAC limited to 44.1khz?

All…is Tidal’s FLAC streaming limited to just 44.1khz via LMS?

I just noticed my usual 24/96 songs are streaming 44.1khz on my K21, which is using Squeeze for both server/player. The same song/track on my Tidal app is showing 24/96. Thoughts?


Are you using Squeeze, If so ensure that you selected Hi-Res in the Tidal setup…

Hey @MarkCole …thanks. I am using HIRES. Also responded to your email.

What Tidal account do you have, and how many devices are you using Tidal on?
Also in Squeeze ensure C-3PO isn’t enabled.
Book a time for remote support

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I have just a Tidal individual account – Tidal now has only Hires tier. Have just 3 or 4 devices that have the Tidal app

C-3PO is not enabled.

Support appointment booked.

Thanks, Mark.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?

I still can’t play Tidal hirez on my K21 via LMS/Material. At this point, it’s either sell my K21 and go to Innuos Pulsar or switch to Qobuz (but still can’t sort que). Both options have pro and cons.

Trying Qobuz free month’s trial, seems the more logic choice.

I just did that, Sean. I did like Qobuz, but still do prefer the Tidal catalog – at least for now. And, going to Qobuz does not solve the issue of LMS/Material’s inability to sort and the my personal UI preference vis-a-vis Innuos Sense app.

I have been looking for a good UI app to control the Antipodes, but have yet to find one. Not really interested in using Roon. Sure like the sound of my K21. Just wish there were better UI/UX options. Oh well.

I wish I could help but I don’t use Tidal. It could be that those who are might be using Roon instead of Squeeze for playback.

How did your support call go with Antipodes?

Hey kenny…appreciate your thoughts, both here and on the other forum.

In short, my calls/service appoints with Mark went quite well. Mark did all he could, but as far as Tidal hirez goes, not sure if it’s API/Tidal/LMS issues, but this is unresolved. If I had a two CPU unit, then perhaps I might be willing to try Roon. As is, I’m just a simple streaming guy and prefers keeping my system well, simple. haha

Should I sell my few weeks old K21, I will take a bath monetarily. Just gotta decide if I can live with the UI/UX limitations with the LMS/Materials. In the end, I should have done more homework. To be clear, I do like the sound profile of my K21 and it seems to be very nicely built.

Something to check in your lms config is crossfade. Crossfade requires all tracks to be the same sample rate and if a low sample rate has been set lms will resample all tracks to that rate.

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If you haven’t done so already, consider posting about your issue on the Squeeze forum here under the appropriate topic. The Tidal plugin was developed by a third party so hopefully a better set of eyes can offer a solution.

Innuos did get started on their own app earlier than Antipodes did, but Antipodes did mention that this has become a priority. These things can take a while though so it might be a while before we see something.

Instead of taking a bath monetarily by switching servers, maybe consider a monthly Roon subscription to fill the gap in the interim. Another option might be to try JPlay with Squeeze integration as this may provide a better UX.

Keep in mind that there are other benefits to being an Antipodes customer. You will very likely be given opportunities to bring your K21 more current via hardware upgrades. I’m not sure that their competitors can match them in this area.

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At the moment the Squeeze devs are working on the Tidal bitrate among other work within Squeeze, this is a Squeeze issue, out of our control on timing, but history tells us that generally, they find a solution.

Tidal is also available via JPLAY, and other remote apps with Minim and MPD.

No issues with QOBUZ, as mentioned earlier in this thread.
As an FYI, there is a way to transfer playlists from other platforms to QOBUZ: Qobuz - Une expérience musicale incomparable

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That solution worked well for me, though some tracks were omitted as they weren’t available when I made the move.

For quite some time I subscribed to both Qobuz and Tidal but decided to leave Tidal when MQA started appearing in tracks that would not unfold to high res. I never regretted that decision.

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I will check the setting. I think Mark already did for me, but will check. Thanks.

Hey Mark…I understand it’s a Squeeze issue. As a pure streamer, I’m just trying to keep my system as simple as possible. Actually just completed a 30-day trial with Qobuz – really good quality – but still prefer the Tidal catalog, for now, anyway. Already transferred my Tidal playlist to Qobuz.

p.s. really appreciated all you did for me.

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