Hello Mark, thanks for the feedback. My Merason is connected via AES/EBU. Its maximum playing sample rate is 192khz. As you have already noticed. Synchronously connected he could not actually play 176 kHz. There are permanent dropouts with native playback of 176 kHz. With the C-3PO activated, I haven’t noticed any dropouts now. Have played all WAV formats. No idea if extrapolated 176 kHz doesn’t matter for my DAC? In the screenshot below, all the ticks are set for me. Should I set the ticks the way you set them? Or does it not matter how the ticks are set? I think I should tick the boxes as you ticked them. And tick the 24-bit box, correct. My DAC can do max. 24/192 synchronously and via USB. 24/176 kHz works via USB, but 24/176 kHz doesn’t actually work synchronously. It can’t play DSD either.
OK! Perfect! I can live with that and what to do with it. C-3po is not bad. As I had already reported. But you also have to understand, you are setting up the K50 as new and not playing FLAC. You look for errors and find nothing. You torment yourself through thousands of settings. You won’t get very far with amateur knowledge. I can handle it, but older generation customers, my uncle as an example, would have returned the device immediately. It is therefore important to prepare updates thoroughly and to point out to the customer that plug-ins have been added and that they can be tried out for playing. However, it should not be directly activated and we suddenly no longer hear any sound or suddenly hear a completely different sound. So my experience wasn’t professional. I think squeeze sounds good. C-3PO sounds good too. But the app needs to be more self-explanatory. Functions need to be better explained and described, perhaps with the help of examples. We don’t feel like constantly searching the Antipodes forum for solutions or creating a ticket. Antipodes are professionals. And that has to get through to the end customer. My other experiences mentioned in the previous chat are as they are…
Yep for DSD you will need to wait until we release the DSD plugin, as the Merason is not DSD compatible.
@MarkCole Hi, I got C3PO working and ticked 176.4 and 192 as the maximum sample rate. When I play wav 44.1 it samples correctly to 176.4. When I play flac 44.1 it always samples to 192. I tested different DACs and USB and AES.
@MarkCole I set everything that way. Despite this, flac 44.1 is sampled to 192. Shouldn’t flac 44.1 be sampled to 176.4? A wav of 44.1 will sample correctly to 176.4.
OK, I have to disable “stdin” then flac and wav will be sampled correctly. However, Qobuz will not be played at all. For this I have to activate “stdin” again or switch off C3PO completely. It’s all pretty messed up.
The developer of the plugin confirms that this is currently being worked on.
Hi Mark, i have the same question as @NickBacon and having read your copy paste response to Nick’s question, i am still myself confused. Sorry if i am being thick.
When one initiates the server software update, one subsequently gets a " please reboot" message (refer picture copied/pasted at the bottom of this post).
However, if I’m reading your post correctly, the instruction is not to reboot until the player software has been updated.
If the server software message is saying reboot so it can be updated, but i’m not allowed to reboot until the player software update is initiated, which requires the server s/ware to have first been updated (with a reboot) then this is a bit of a catch-22 situation.
Am I making sense? I think this is the same question @NickBacon was asking and he is clealry smarter than i am because he appears to have gone off and solved it based on your instructions…
Thanks in advance and apologies again if i’m asking dumb auestions
Ok…so i went ahead anyway and initiated the player s/ware update and then did the physical reboot. But the s/w version post reboot is still showing as the old version…which in my case is 4.1 (yes, i’m a bit behind the 8-ball!).
OK, so it is only at v4.4 that the server reboots by itself, that is part of the update if you are updating from earlier versions as you are there then you are still required to reboot manually via the front button.
If your machine is not updating, please book a remote access session.
Thanks for your help Mark. All working perfectly now and the improvements gratefully received.
Updated CX+EX via 4.3 and 4.3.1 with no dramas. Got beeps on auto-reboot for 4.4 but no flashing of LEDs on the powerswitches. I just waited 2 or 3 mins before doing the physical reboots. Is this as expected? I missed the reassurance of flashing to solid LEDs.
The reboot is software not hardware this is the reason.
Also why we removed the software reboot feature a number of versions ago.
For reassurance manually reboot via the front button.
With both my CX / EX upgraded to v4…4 recently, my iPeng is taking an unusually long time to discover the “EX” as player. Anyone else has the same experience?
@MarkCole Since upgrading my EX and K30 tp AMS 4.4.0 the registration has disappeared. Are they still registered or do I need to re-register?
We are experiencing an issue with myantipodes currently.
Issue rectified
I was in process of booking Support Appointment. I bookmark my Solution Dashboard and can access it and see Player Dashboard, but cannot access Server Dashboard. Solution shows None for Source and Not Available for Server Settings on Solution. However, I am able to play music via Roon with Squeeze via AES/EBU on my K50 and Roon Ready through my Mola Mola–only connections I have tried. My registration no longer shows on Player Dashboard and didn’t execute when I tried to register again. Software version updatable has a live button for Solution and Player Dashboard reflects Software Version: AMSv4.4.0 with a live Update button as well.
I will hold off on booking Support Appointment, pending your instructions to do so and resolution of issue(s) on your end.
Myantipodes is back in business, let me know if you encounter any issues.
Thanks Mark. I saw the earlier notice you posted and have checked. The issues I noted now are resolved, including Registration again showing.
I note in the description of the various upgrade features that the upgrade will provide a new warranty for the K50 of 3 years, extendable to 5 with registration. Will there be a new registration needed or will the current one be automatically updated and reflect 5 years?
Awesome, pleased everything is resolved.
Will require a re- registration, the upgrade team will likely look after this.