Roon is going to have an update will the new software be compatible with Antipodes servers
I do not always use Roon despite having a lifetime subscription but I am interested in this. Here is the text of the email I received from Roon.
“ Action required to improve your Roon experience
Upcoming changes to the Linux builds of Roon should result in performance improvements for anyone using a Linux Roon Core.
What should you do?
This new release requires new dependencies on your system and it’s important that you prepare your Roon Core before the update is released.
From carrying out testing on a range of Linux distributions, we recommend installing libicu onto your Core. However, different variants of Linux may require additional changes to ensure that all dependencies are met.
When are these improvements being released?
We are expecting to release the update on the 3rd of November. If you would like to access the improvements early and help with our testing efforts, we will be running a beta for anyone who is interested in giving these changes a try.
To find out more about the improvements, what action you need to take and how to join our beta test, please visit our Help Center.”
I have a DX (D3) and am wondering if I’m going to have an issue…I received the same correspondence from Roon
You can all relax. We have this under control. As a Roon partner we have known about this change for some time. Our current software suite works perfectly with the new Roon software. Technically, Roon is still doing testing, so we have held our release of the remote upgrade to v3.1 to make sure it encompasses any changes required. We will begin informing you about how to get ready for the upgrade shortly, and describe the full upgrade process. The process involves thousands of files to be deleted, replaced or added, and for a new kernel to be installed, so you will need to put an hour or more aside to complete it. Making sure this works without a hitch for you, and making sure it complies fully with the new Roon software is what we are finalising now.
To avoid having to keep coming back here, we recommend you sign up to our mailing list, so that you can get important notifications like this.
If you are on an earlier version of our software, then we recommend you take the opportunity to update to v3.1 before 3 November.
If you are already on v3.1, you do not need to do anything. You are already running software that has been tested with the new Roon software.
I have an EX from may 2020 and cannot update to 3.1 (actual software is 2.7). What should I do?
Hi Edwin
Wait until the v3.1 upgrade process is released. We are in final testing and there is plenty of time before 3 Nov. Either get on our mailing list or come back here in a few days time.
Thnx, I will do that.
One other question. My EX received the 2019 upgrade and I could see my EX on after that update more than a year ago. However, since a few months I can’t see the server anymore and must go to Further the EX works fine.
Is this a problem for the upcoming update?
Hi Edwin, I will look into that today and get back to you.
The 2019 upgrade is important to have on your device to make it easier to upgrade to v3.1.
The myantipodes functionality is not the functionality in the 2019 upgrade you need, but I will double check that.
After you upgrade to v3.1 the myantipodes problem you are having will be fixed.
Thank you for being willing to look into it. I look forward to your response.
As a dx3 owner I beleive I’m at 2.7 software in my antipodes. What do dx3 users do?
As explained above, this will be set out in detail in the next few days. You will have the opportunity to upgrade to v3.1 without your music server needing to leave your system.
But we’re audiophiles. Haha. I’m glad to hear that you have this under control. Thanks for confirming.
Please see this page for some more detail.
Hi Edwin, we are getting very close now to releasing v3.1. We think we have finished the code and all the testing so far is good. We just want to test a bit more and then we will release it, which will only take another day or so.
We could login to fix your 2019 code, but it might not be necessary, as I think it is only the myantipodes code changes we made that are causing the problem. If I am wrong, it might be simpler and less hassle for you if we push v3.1 out this week, and if you don’t get the upgrade code, we will fix it very quickly by logging in. If I am right then we won’t have to bother you with that at all. With v3.1 myantipodes and everything else will work perfectly.
Are you okay with that? Even if you need us to login we will definitely get it sorted well before 3 November.
Hi. I have a D2 DX running 2.5. What are my options for software upgrades to ensure that I stay Roon (which I use) compatible? Please don’t hesitate to contact me on xxxxxxx. Thanks in advance.
Hi folks,
My >5 year old DS SSD still works fine and sounds great. I’ve not kept it regularly upgraded. But, as a Roon user, it’s time to wake up.
I thought it was updated to 2.8 a while ago, but it now shows running 2.5 with no updates outstanding. So I might need help moving to 3.1. I don’t think I did any updates in 2019.
Thank you in advance,
If you are running v2.5 please do the below…
Follow the instructions here Antipodes Remote Support - #2
Email me at after with the AnyDesk ID
Can you remind where the mail list sign up is please. A cursory look did not find the sign up page.
Edit - I found the sign up for the mail list on the the Support Portal Home page under Getting Support.
That’s all right. Thank you for your commitment. I really appreciate it.